_CASM Meeting Minutes
Date: 4/11/11
Present: Sam Achee, Richard Bosbey, Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Mike Coleman, John Erwin, Kenneth Fausett, Floyd Franks, Andrew Hart, Cecil Hayes, Cheryl Hayes, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Dakota Leker, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Rusty Nail, Matt Pervin, Karen Sappington, Conrad Schalchin, Josh Swift, David Wassell, Steve Wilson
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Shows
4/16 Kansas City, Missouri, Region 5 Model Fest '11; 4/30 Stafford, Texas, Region 6 Modelmania 2011; 5/14 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Region 6 Cajun Modelfest XXVI; 5/21 Mesquite, Texas, Region 6 ScaleFest 2011; 5/28 Memphis, Tennessee, Region 3 2011 KING-CON; 6/4 – 6/5 Overland Park, Kansas, Heartland Model Car Nationals; and April 23 PTC South, Alexander, Arkansas, Arkansas Model Championship.
Arkansas Model Championship
Dave Branson contacted the E-Board and has offered CASM Members up to three (3) vendor tables at no charge. If you desire to set up a table, please contact Dave at: (501-772-1483 or [email protected]). We encourage everyone to be supportive of the Pulaski Tech show by both attending and making yourselves available for judging the contest.
Jimmie Lockett’s Models
Jimmie’s wife called and is looking for museum homes or well placed private collectors for some of Jimmie’s built models. Anyone with a museum connection should give Ken Childres a call. A few of the club members and Ken Childress are going down to Hot Springs at some point to see what is there.
Gary Johnson’s Models
A large portion of Gary’s models have been sold and the money sent to Gary’s daughter. All of the car models have been sold but there is a large collection of aircraft and ships still available. There are many models that are no longer made with a vast amount of photoetch and resin conversions with some of the models. Ken Childres will have a table at the Arkansas Model Championship with many of them available for sale.
Sproo Doo Sponsorships
It is VERY important that we sell sponsorship packages for our Fall Sproo Doo show. Currently we have less than half of the funds available to pay for the show and a majority of the cost of the show (the purchase of medals and trophies) needs to be made now so that the trophies and medals arrive early enough for inspection and re-order if necessary. There are approx 30 club members and frequent attendees, if everyone sold ONE (1) to a friend or business we would be closer to where we need to be. 50$ each times 30 is $1500 and would more than double our current funds. We need to sell about 30 or more of the sponsorships to really be in a position to cover all of the costs that arise before the contest. We have to remember that the contest is the member’s show and assistance must be provided by everyone involved if we have any hope for the contest to a success. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go out and sell these sponsorships. Sponsorship information is available on the website.
CASM Business Cards
CASM Business cards were presented to the group present and each person was asked to take five (5) cards. We ask that each person present carry the cards with you so when you meet modelers in stores, in passing, or store owners you can hand out this card and encourage them to attend our next meeting and check out the website. A place for the person’s name and vital information is on the back of the card so that when they come to the meeting we can have a record of who they are and their attendance at the meeting.
Hobbytown USA Announcements
Ron Leker announced to the club that he would like to know what the club members would like Hobbytown to stock. A recent shipment came in and has mostly been purchased. He is also available to take any special orders from club members.
Next Group Build
The club voted on the theme of the next group build. The choices voted on were: Arkansas Heritage; Arkansas Aces; and Arkansas Aircraft. Arkansas Heritage received the most of votes (11). Arkansas Heritage will allow members to select any model in which there is an Arkansas connection for their build.
Made in the USA Group Build
Cliff Bullock, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Rick Knapp, Lloyd King, Ken Childres, and Tom Brown participated in the group build. The club meeting attendees voted on the models with the following results: First Place was awarded to Rick Knapp for his Korean Sherman; Second Place was awarded to Ken Childres for his D-Day Sherman; and Third Place was awarded to Lloyd King for his British Wildcat. Winners of the build received cash cards to Hobbytown USA. Thanks goes to all of the participants in the group build.
Ken Childres demonstrated a fast and efficient way to make rivets/bolts from lead foil. Thanks Ken for an awesome demonstration! The demonstration may be viewed for future reference on the website.
Rick Knapp: Rick presented a JSU 152 made by Dragon models.
Ken Childres: Ken presented his D-Day Normandy Invasion Sherman M4 which was his entry for the Made in the USA group build and a Hobbyboss Land Rover Wolf.
Ken Fausett: Ken presented a Revell Dune Buggy that he intends to build.
Matt Pevin: Matt presented a 1/20th scale Cyclone; I/25th scale Regular cab/ Extended cab that took first place in a magazine contest; and a ’94 Cab Duty (Sorry Matt, I don’t think this is correct but I couldn’t read my own handwriting!).
Andrew Hart: Andrew brought his Monogram A4F Skyhawk and discussed the difficulty he had with applying the decals. He thanked Lloyd for his assistance during the build. The plane looked great in spite of his difficulties.
Daris Long: Daris presented his M-47s that he brought for photographs; Hobby Boss V-100 that he speed built for the Made in the USA group build; and his “Garden of Eden Revisited” diorama.
Rick Bosbey: Rick brought his collection of Universal Studios monsters produced by Revell that included: Frankenstein; War of the Worlds Martian; Creature from the Black Lagoon; and Dracula. It was good to see some monster figures at the club meeting. Thanks Rick and keep them coming!
Ron Leker: Ron brought a WIP progress Elf figure, Kara, and explained his use of the Lifecolor paint flesh tone set, which he really liked. We all liked the way she looked too! He also brought a WIP of a M-47 that he was converting into a hover tank. He discussed his construction techniques using plastic stock from For Sale signs he purchased at Walmart and demonstrated the sturdiness of the construction by slamming the piece on the table, without breakage. He also brought a Humvee for the Made in the USA group build that sported a large “honkin” gun on its roof. It was awesome!
Rusty Nail: Rusty presented a WIP of a monster figure “Bert” that he was working on. It is a very nice, in a grotesque way, bust.
Cliff Bullock: Cliff presented his AFV Hellcat that he made for the Made in the USA group build, which was very superbly crafted, and a Trumpeter Hotchkis 3539.
Lloyd King: Lloyd presented his Monogram B-17G that he built for Josh; British Wildcat; and P-40; all of which he entered in the Made in the USA group Build.
Tom Brown: Tom presented the 1/144 scale Minicraft U.S. Postal Service 727-200 that he entered into the Made in the USA group build (yes, a figure modeler can make an airplane).
Business Meeting
E-Board Minutes
The last E-Board minutes were reviewed. For further details please refer to the E-Board minutes posted on the club website.
Show Committee Report
The current package of medals and plaques is estimated to cost approximately $1650 which exceeds our current bank account. The package was discussed and reviewed and discussion ensued regarding the possibility of decreasing the size of the trophys to reduce the price, if need be. It was emphasized the need for club members to sell sponsor packages to pay the difference between what is presently in the bank account and the need to increase the number of venders coming to the show. Letters and emails have been sent to past show venders and others which will be followed up by telephone calls. Manufacturers thus far contacted have provided some very nice items for the Raffle table and they include: Miniart; Robart; Promodeler has provided a wash set and DVD; Hobbyco; and Lowes has provided an air compressor. Advertising has been lined up with radio, TV, newspapers, and the different colleges in the area.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM
Date: 4/11/11
Present: Sam Achee, Richard Bosbey, Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Mike Coleman, John Erwin, Kenneth Fausett, Floyd Franks, Andrew Hart, Cecil Hayes, Cheryl Hayes, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Dakota Leker, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Rusty Nail, Matt Pervin, Karen Sappington, Conrad Schalchin, Josh Swift, David Wassell, Steve Wilson
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Shows
4/16 Kansas City, Missouri, Region 5 Model Fest '11; 4/30 Stafford, Texas, Region 6 Modelmania 2011; 5/14 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Region 6 Cajun Modelfest XXVI; 5/21 Mesquite, Texas, Region 6 ScaleFest 2011; 5/28 Memphis, Tennessee, Region 3 2011 KING-CON; 6/4 – 6/5 Overland Park, Kansas, Heartland Model Car Nationals; and April 23 PTC South, Alexander, Arkansas, Arkansas Model Championship.
Arkansas Model Championship
Dave Branson contacted the E-Board and has offered CASM Members up to three (3) vendor tables at no charge. If you desire to set up a table, please contact Dave at: (501-772-1483 or [email protected]). We encourage everyone to be supportive of the Pulaski Tech show by both attending and making yourselves available for judging the contest.
Jimmie Lockett’s Models
Jimmie’s wife called and is looking for museum homes or well placed private collectors for some of Jimmie’s built models. Anyone with a museum connection should give Ken Childres a call. A few of the club members and Ken Childress are going down to Hot Springs at some point to see what is there.
Gary Johnson’s Models
A large portion of Gary’s models have been sold and the money sent to Gary’s daughter. All of the car models have been sold but there is a large collection of aircraft and ships still available. There are many models that are no longer made with a vast amount of photoetch and resin conversions with some of the models. Ken Childres will have a table at the Arkansas Model Championship with many of them available for sale.
Sproo Doo Sponsorships
It is VERY important that we sell sponsorship packages for our Fall Sproo Doo show. Currently we have less than half of the funds available to pay for the show and a majority of the cost of the show (the purchase of medals and trophies) needs to be made now so that the trophies and medals arrive early enough for inspection and re-order if necessary. There are approx 30 club members and frequent attendees, if everyone sold ONE (1) to a friend or business we would be closer to where we need to be. 50$ each times 30 is $1500 and would more than double our current funds. We need to sell about 30 or more of the sponsorships to really be in a position to cover all of the costs that arise before the contest. We have to remember that the contest is the member’s show and assistance must be provided by everyone involved if we have any hope for the contest to a success. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go out and sell these sponsorships. Sponsorship information is available on the website.
CASM Business Cards
CASM Business cards were presented to the group present and each person was asked to take five (5) cards. We ask that each person present carry the cards with you so when you meet modelers in stores, in passing, or store owners you can hand out this card and encourage them to attend our next meeting and check out the website. A place for the person’s name and vital information is on the back of the card so that when they come to the meeting we can have a record of who they are and their attendance at the meeting.
Hobbytown USA Announcements
Ron Leker announced to the club that he would like to know what the club members would like Hobbytown to stock. A recent shipment came in and has mostly been purchased. He is also available to take any special orders from club members.
Next Group Build
The club voted on the theme of the next group build. The choices voted on were: Arkansas Heritage; Arkansas Aces; and Arkansas Aircraft. Arkansas Heritage received the most of votes (11). Arkansas Heritage will allow members to select any model in which there is an Arkansas connection for their build.
Made in the USA Group Build
Cliff Bullock, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Rick Knapp, Lloyd King, Ken Childres, and Tom Brown participated in the group build. The club meeting attendees voted on the models with the following results: First Place was awarded to Rick Knapp for his Korean Sherman; Second Place was awarded to Ken Childres for his D-Day Sherman; and Third Place was awarded to Lloyd King for his British Wildcat. Winners of the build received cash cards to Hobbytown USA. Thanks goes to all of the participants in the group build.
Ken Childres demonstrated a fast and efficient way to make rivets/bolts from lead foil. Thanks Ken for an awesome demonstration! The demonstration may be viewed for future reference on the website.
Rick Knapp: Rick presented a JSU 152 made by Dragon models.
Ken Childres: Ken presented his D-Day Normandy Invasion Sherman M4 which was his entry for the Made in the USA group build and a Hobbyboss Land Rover Wolf.
Ken Fausett: Ken presented a Revell Dune Buggy that he intends to build.
Matt Pevin: Matt presented a 1/20th scale Cyclone; I/25th scale Regular cab/ Extended cab that took first place in a magazine contest; and a ’94 Cab Duty (Sorry Matt, I don’t think this is correct but I couldn’t read my own handwriting!).
Andrew Hart: Andrew brought his Monogram A4F Skyhawk and discussed the difficulty he had with applying the decals. He thanked Lloyd for his assistance during the build. The plane looked great in spite of his difficulties.
Daris Long: Daris presented his M-47s that he brought for photographs; Hobby Boss V-100 that he speed built for the Made in the USA group build; and his “Garden of Eden Revisited” diorama.
Rick Bosbey: Rick brought his collection of Universal Studios monsters produced by Revell that included: Frankenstein; War of the Worlds Martian; Creature from the Black Lagoon; and Dracula. It was good to see some monster figures at the club meeting. Thanks Rick and keep them coming!
Ron Leker: Ron brought a WIP progress Elf figure, Kara, and explained his use of the Lifecolor paint flesh tone set, which he really liked. We all liked the way she looked too! He also brought a WIP of a M-47 that he was converting into a hover tank. He discussed his construction techniques using plastic stock from For Sale signs he purchased at Walmart and demonstrated the sturdiness of the construction by slamming the piece on the table, without breakage. He also brought a Humvee for the Made in the USA group build that sported a large “honkin” gun on its roof. It was awesome!
Rusty Nail: Rusty presented a WIP of a monster figure “Bert” that he was working on. It is a very nice, in a grotesque way, bust.
Cliff Bullock: Cliff presented his AFV Hellcat that he made for the Made in the USA group build, which was very superbly crafted, and a Trumpeter Hotchkis 3539.
Lloyd King: Lloyd presented his Monogram B-17G that he built for Josh; British Wildcat; and P-40; all of which he entered in the Made in the USA group Build.
Tom Brown: Tom presented the 1/144 scale Minicraft U.S. Postal Service 727-200 that he entered into the Made in the USA group build (yes, a figure modeler can make an airplane).
Business Meeting
E-Board Minutes
The last E-Board minutes were reviewed. For further details please refer to the E-Board minutes posted on the club website.
Show Committee Report
The current package of medals and plaques is estimated to cost approximately $1650 which exceeds our current bank account. The package was discussed and reviewed and discussion ensued regarding the possibility of decreasing the size of the trophys to reduce the price, if need be. It was emphasized the need for club members to sell sponsor packages to pay the difference between what is presently in the bank account and the need to increase the number of venders coming to the show. Letters and emails have been sent to past show venders and others which will be followed up by telephone calls. Manufacturers thus far contacted have provided some very nice items for the Raffle table and they include: Miniart; Robart; Promodeler has provided a wash set and DVD; Hobbyco; and Lowes has provided an air compressor. Advertising has been lined up with radio, TV, newspapers, and the different colleges in the area.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM