CASM Meeting Minutes - April 2013
CASM Meeting Minutes
Date: 4/13/13
Note from the Secretary: During this weekend, I was performing 2 concerts in Fort Worth, Texas. As a result, there are no official minutes for this meeting. In this post, I'll be presenting information and links that are available. Thanks to Ken Childres, Brianna Childres and Tom Brown for providing me with enough materials to piece this together. If there is any other crucial information that needs to be included, please email me.
Photos from the meeting are available here: []
Video of the meeting is available here: []
Present: (This list is based upon the photos above, and may be an incomplete list. I apologize if your name is not included.)
Matt Bond, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Brianna Childres, Kenneth Childres, Kenneth Faussett, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Noel Lawson, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Sam Macheak, Jay Miller, Rusty Nail, Michael Oleary, Conrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, Mike Warren, Steve Wilson
Announcements: (Ken Childres emailed this information to members and made it available at the meeting)
Upcoming Shows in the area: 4/20 6th annual Arkansas Modeler Championship, Jacksonville Arkansas; 4/18-20 AMPS International armor model show, Atlanta Georgia; 4/27 Model Mania 2013, Stafford Texas; 5/3-4 2013 Gulf Coast Model and Figure Expo, Pensacola Florida; 5/4 Modelfest 2013, Kansas City Missouri; 5/11 Scalefest, Mesquite Texas; 5/18 Military Modelers club of Louisville, Louisville Kentucky; 6/ 1 Tulsa Figure Model show (HMSNEO), Tulsa Oklahoma; 6/8-9 Heartland Nationals car show, Overland Park Kansas; 7/13 NimCon 2, Crystal Lake Illinois; 8/14-17 IPMS Nationals, Loveland Colorado
Stuff you need to know:
Dues: Several members have not paid dues for 2013. Brent will continue to update the list of currently paid members to Roger for the HobbyTown discount.
IPMS Membership: The list of currently paid IPMS members needs to be updated, and we want to encourage membership in IPMS to support the growth of the hobby. To promote membership in IMPS, CASM will hold a gift card drawing for CASM members that join or renew IPMS membership within a period of 2 months beginning with the March meeting. IPMS members receive a discount on registration cost at our show and generally a lot of other IPMS Shows
CASM Banner: The banner has been ordered
Sproo-Doo: Two of our major vendors will not be attending the show this year. One went out of business and the other is on sabbatical until next year. That said, we are keen to find some new vendors. It’s time to call in favors guys! If you go to a show or shop with someone regularly, hit them up to be an onsite vendor.
Start selling sponsorships for categories and trophies. This is one of the major ways that we offset the cost of putting on this show. Please.. Please.. get out there and sell sponsorships. They’re $50 and the businesses that purchase them get a sponsor plug on the website and at the show. All the information you need is on the website. If you have any other questions please find Brianna or myself at the meeting and we’ll do our level best to get you sorted out…. Really guys, if girl scouts can sell 200 million boxes of overpriced cookies we ought to be able sell 20-25 sponsorships. Keep an eye on your inbox or the forum for updates.
Connecting with other modelers: In the last couple of years we’ve had a huge influx of new faces, I was once one myself. It can be very intimidating to share your models or just striking up a conversation out of the blue. CASM also has a fairly large number of talented modelers which can also be intimidating. I want to encourage new comers and old hats alike to seek out unfamiliar faces and connect. We have meetings once a month but you are by no means restricted to meet only during those times. I also know that it can be hectic during the meetings and it’s hard to have a long detailed conversation. Roger who owns Hobby Town has express many times that he welcomes you guys to come up there during store hours and visit with one another or work together. The only thing he asks is you call first and check the availability of the tables. So, I encourage you all to find other people you want to talk to or learn from and try to set up a time outside of normal meeting hours, whether at Hobby Town or at some other location. These one on one sessions are a GREAT way to really get down to the nuts and bolts of a technique and learn not to mention making friends.
Future Demos: Vice President Rick Knapp will continue to plan and seek out teachers for our meeting demonstrations. These were at the very top of the list as far as importance on the member survey you guys filled out. Please give serious thought to doing a demonstration. They need not be long but they do need to be thorough. A minimum length of 10 minutes should be expected for even the simplest technique. Also, if you have a topic or technique you want to see discussed or demonstrated, shoot Rick and email or catch him at the meeting. He’ll be glad to take down your suggestions.
AMPS: There is still an interest in getting a dual charter with the Armor Model & Preservation Society (AMPS). Ken will be attending the international AMPS show next month, and will get the appropriate information at that time
Member Profiles for Website: Please take a minute and go to this link and fill out a member profile for our website. MEMBER PROFILE
Mug Shots: Along with the member profiles we’d like to take a “mug shot” of those members who are willing to go with their profile. This is planned a couple of months down the road when hopefully we’ve gotten more profiles in.
Scratching Post: Tom Brown is always looking for article for our newsletter blog The Scratching Post. See him at the meeting or email him to submit.
Demo: Ron Leker presented a demo on how to make armored hoses. Photos of this demo are available here: []
Show-n-Tell: There is no list for Show-n-Tell, but photos are available here: []
Date: 4/13/13
Note from the Secretary: During this weekend, I was performing 2 concerts in Fort Worth, Texas. As a result, there are no official minutes for this meeting. In this post, I'll be presenting information and links that are available. Thanks to Ken Childres, Brianna Childres and Tom Brown for providing me with enough materials to piece this together. If there is any other crucial information that needs to be included, please email me.
Photos from the meeting are available here: []
Video of the meeting is available here: []
Present: (This list is based upon the photos above, and may be an incomplete list. I apologize if your name is not included.)
Matt Bond, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Brianna Childres, Kenneth Childres, Kenneth Faussett, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Noel Lawson, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Sam Macheak, Jay Miller, Rusty Nail, Michael Oleary, Conrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, Mike Warren, Steve Wilson
Announcements: (Ken Childres emailed this information to members and made it available at the meeting)
Upcoming Shows in the area: 4/20 6th annual Arkansas Modeler Championship, Jacksonville Arkansas; 4/18-20 AMPS International armor model show, Atlanta Georgia; 4/27 Model Mania 2013, Stafford Texas; 5/3-4 2013 Gulf Coast Model and Figure Expo, Pensacola Florida; 5/4 Modelfest 2013, Kansas City Missouri; 5/11 Scalefest, Mesquite Texas; 5/18 Military Modelers club of Louisville, Louisville Kentucky; 6/ 1 Tulsa Figure Model show (HMSNEO), Tulsa Oklahoma; 6/8-9 Heartland Nationals car show, Overland Park Kansas; 7/13 NimCon 2, Crystal Lake Illinois; 8/14-17 IPMS Nationals, Loveland Colorado
Stuff you need to know:
Dues: Several members have not paid dues for 2013. Brent will continue to update the list of currently paid members to Roger for the HobbyTown discount.
IPMS Membership: The list of currently paid IPMS members needs to be updated, and we want to encourage membership in IPMS to support the growth of the hobby. To promote membership in IMPS, CASM will hold a gift card drawing for CASM members that join or renew IPMS membership within a period of 2 months beginning with the March meeting. IPMS members receive a discount on registration cost at our show and generally a lot of other IPMS Shows
CASM Banner: The banner has been ordered
Sproo-Doo: Two of our major vendors will not be attending the show this year. One went out of business and the other is on sabbatical until next year. That said, we are keen to find some new vendors. It’s time to call in favors guys! If you go to a show or shop with someone regularly, hit them up to be an onsite vendor.
Start selling sponsorships for categories and trophies. This is one of the major ways that we offset the cost of putting on this show. Please.. Please.. get out there and sell sponsorships. They’re $50 and the businesses that purchase them get a sponsor plug on the website and at the show. All the information you need is on the website. If you have any other questions please find Brianna or myself at the meeting and we’ll do our level best to get you sorted out…. Really guys, if girl scouts can sell 200 million boxes of overpriced cookies we ought to be able sell 20-25 sponsorships. Keep an eye on your inbox or the forum for updates.
Connecting with other modelers: In the last couple of years we’ve had a huge influx of new faces, I was once one myself. It can be very intimidating to share your models or just striking up a conversation out of the blue. CASM also has a fairly large number of talented modelers which can also be intimidating. I want to encourage new comers and old hats alike to seek out unfamiliar faces and connect. We have meetings once a month but you are by no means restricted to meet only during those times. I also know that it can be hectic during the meetings and it’s hard to have a long detailed conversation. Roger who owns Hobby Town has express many times that he welcomes you guys to come up there during store hours and visit with one another or work together. The only thing he asks is you call first and check the availability of the tables. So, I encourage you all to find other people you want to talk to or learn from and try to set up a time outside of normal meeting hours, whether at Hobby Town or at some other location. These one on one sessions are a GREAT way to really get down to the nuts and bolts of a technique and learn not to mention making friends.
Future Demos: Vice President Rick Knapp will continue to plan and seek out teachers for our meeting demonstrations. These were at the very top of the list as far as importance on the member survey you guys filled out. Please give serious thought to doing a demonstration. They need not be long but they do need to be thorough. A minimum length of 10 minutes should be expected for even the simplest technique. Also, if you have a topic or technique you want to see discussed or demonstrated, shoot Rick and email or catch him at the meeting. He’ll be glad to take down your suggestions.
AMPS: There is still an interest in getting a dual charter with the Armor Model & Preservation Society (AMPS). Ken will be attending the international AMPS show next month, and will get the appropriate information at that time
Member Profiles for Website: Please take a minute and go to this link and fill out a member profile for our website. MEMBER PROFILE
Mug Shots: Along with the member profiles we’d like to take a “mug shot” of those members who are willing to go with their profile. This is planned a couple of months down the road when hopefully we’ve gotten more profiles in.
Scratching Post: Tom Brown is always looking for article for our newsletter blog The Scratching Post. See him at the meeting or email him to submit.
Demo: Ron Leker presented a demo on how to make armored hoses. Photos of this demo are available here: []
Show-n-Tell: There is no list for Show-n-Tell, but photos are available here: []