CASM Meeting Minutes
Date: 8/11/12
Present: Chris Almazon, Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Ken Faucett, Anand Gudi, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Dakota Leker, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Sam Macheak, Cpnrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, Garrick St. Pierre, Greg Stitz, Joshua Swift, Mike Warren, David Wassell, Steve Wilson
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Events
8/8/12 – 8/11/12 IPMS National Convention, Lake Buena Vista, FL; 8/18/12 HAMS, 6th Annual Model Car Show and Contest, Spring, TX; 8/25-8/26 45th Annual Model Display, El Paso, 8/25/12 71 Spytacular IPMS Model Contest, Hutchinson, KA; 9/8/12, Gateway to the West Contest and Swap Meet, Eureka, Missouri; 9/8/12 SuperCon 2012, Arlington, TX; 9/15/12 AutumnCon 2012, Region 6 Regional Convention, Covington, LA.
Online Contest
Registration and voting for the winners of the on-line contest is completed. The following entries were made:
My Favorite Martian by Brent Bristow
Hellcat by Steve Wilson
Tamiya P-51 Geronimo by Mike Mcellaney
Dragon M-51 Isherman by Michelle Edwards
Italieri Avenger Mk-1 by Michelle Edwards
BTR-60P by Ken childres
BTR-50 PK by Ken Childres
1/48th Revell B-25J by Lloyd King
1/144th Show Car Car Show by Ray Smith
1/144th DP RK MiG 21 by Ray Smith
1/144th SPAD SA-2 by Ray Smith
1/48th F9F-5 The Blue Tailed by Ray Smith
1/48th RAF Chinook by Lloyd King
1st Place: BTR-50 PK by Ken Childres
2nd Place: My Favorite Martian by Brent Bristow
3rd Place: Tamiya P-51 Geronimo by Mike Mcellaney
Member of the Year Nominations
Lloyd King
I was wondering if I can nominate someone being an overseas member? If so, and without him knowing I would like to nominate Lloyd King.
My reasons:
He always promotes CASM and its event's. Forwarding this email is just one proof. He told me about the online competition in the forum and then again reminded me and several other members to vote. He willing gives up his time to help other modellers to improve their skills by the use of the internet. Only this week he showed me a technique to weather a panel on the B-17 I building. Lloyd will also go raid his stash and send kits to modellers if they are in need of some kit that is hard to come by or is out of production. Lloyd is also a major contributor to the Museum aboard the USS Lexington.
All though in pain and ailing with medical conditions Lloyd will always find the time to talk to his friends, help and advise anyone who asks. He offers to take any comments from Mike Mclaney, Ian Adkinson and myself to any club meetings he is able to attend, He reminds us of when our subscriptions are due and will even collect Mike's and mine and forward them to the right person.
In short the man is not only a fast and talented modeller, he is one with a big and generous heart, who will always give his time to help fellow modellers.
Please formally accept my nomination For Lloyd King to be CASM member of the year.
Cliff Bullock
Cliff has made leaps and bounds to help make the CASM Contest really great. He has contacted about 100 different businesses to gain sponsorships and raffle items. He has also pushed club members to participate in the show as well.
Brianna Childres
Brianna does not build models but is extremely supportive of the club, club members, club activities, and her husband Ken. I have had the opportunity to see this support first hand as a member of the E-Board. As Contest Committee Chairman she has diligently worked on the club contest all year long. Her behind-the-scenes work has included leading of the contest committee, which is composed of some very strong personalities, across a timeline of activities up to and including the contest. These activities include contacting show sponsors, vendors, refinement of judging criteria, soliciting donations, purchasing medals, and registration and the coordination of medal distribution at the contest. These few words do not adequately describe the weekly work it takes to do each activity. As the Webmaster she has constructed a very interactive website in which participants can view club demonstrations, learn information about a variety of modeling activities, and fellowship on the forum. She has developed strong relationships with a variety of IPMS National Personnel. During the meetings she maintains the webcam so that a live stream of the meeting can be viewed by members who are unable to attend and visitors across the nation and around the world. During the live stream, she dialogues with viewers so that they may participate with the club in real time while the meeting is being conducted. As Ken’s wife, she is supportive of Ken’s modeling activities by editing his published articles, going to different contests around the South, and encourages him to purchase and build models during their free time. She appreciates the work the club members present and sees their work as art. To sum things up: Brianna has a strong passion and love for the club, its members, the activities of the club, and her husband that she exercises by a thousand activities behind the scenes that most of us do not even know about.
CASM Wearing Apparel
Ken has found a local print shop who can print shirts in multiple colors at about the same price as one color printing. The printer uses a process that actually dyes the shirts so there is no concern of the applications pealing off. No minimum order number is required for printing which allows for a fast turnaround time. The club members present agreed with pursuing that printer for the CASM apparel.
Contest Committee Report
Sponsorships: Brianna applauded the work of Cliff Bullock for actively working on obtaining both sponsorships and donations. The goal is to have the contest completely paid for by the money obtained by sponsorships. Each sponsor group will have their name and advertisement on the club website. Medals and Plaques: Medals and plaques have been ordered. Judges Training: Daris reviewed the judging criteria, which is available on-line and the organization of the judges. Certain members will be asked to be category judges who will then ask other members to judge the categories. Judges will be trained to go by the judging sheets and not personal preference. The Figures category has a separate set of judging criteria that places more of an emphasis on finishing than on construction. 1-to-1 competition for the “best of” categories will be between the Gold medal winners within the category.
Jacksonville Air show
An air show will be held at the Jacksonville Air Base on 9/8 and 9/9/12. There will be a large number of aircraft on the ground to take photos of and the Blue Angels will be performing.
Pulaski Technical College Modeling Class
The club wanted to remind club members that modeling classes are held at Pulaski Tech. The class schedule is on the calendar on the club website. This is an opportunity to learn modeling techniques from each of the modeling genres and another opportunity for members to have a good time and fellowship with modeling.
Ron Leker presented a WIP; he plans to turn a Heller Corsair (ship) and turn it into a Sky Flyer that is common to science fiction. He als presented a Wargamer Lord of the Rings Cave Troll.
Ken Childres presented a Zombie Toyota Truck WIP.
Cliff Bullock presented a Trumpeter Russian Mig 3.
Bob Hiatt presented continued work on the HMS Surprise, USS Gambier Bay, and the USS Ronald Reagan that he is backdating to an earlier Harry S. Truman.
Mona Hiatt presented an Ordnance rifle.
Ken Faucett presented Ford Coupe Street Rod and ’54 Revell Re-issue..
Mike Warren presented 1/72 Dragon T-34.
Garrick St. Pierre presented two models from the inheritance collection: Cessna Citation 1 and DC9-10 Hughes Airwest.
Anand Gudi presented an F-86 Hybrid from Academy.
Greg Stitz presented miniatures from the game Return to Castle Ravenlift.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM
Present: Chris Almazon, Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Ken Faucett, Anand Gudi, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Dakota Leker, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Sam Macheak, Cpnrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, Garrick St. Pierre, Greg Stitz, Joshua Swift, Mike Warren, David Wassell, Steve Wilson
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Events
8/8/12 – 8/11/12 IPMS National Convention, Lake Buena Vista, FL; 8/18/12 HAMS, 6th Annual Model Car Show and Contest, Spring, TX; 8/25-8/26 45th Annual Model Display, El Paso, 8/25/12 71 Spytacular IPMS Model Contest, Hutchinson, KA; 9/8/12, Gateway to the West Contest and Swap Meet, Eureka, Missouri; 9/8/12 SuperCon 2012, Arlington, TX; 9/15/12 AutumnCon 2012, Region 6 Regional Convention, Covington, LA.
Online Contest
Registration and voting for the winners of the on-line contest is completed. The following entries were made:
My Favorite Martian by Brent Bristow
Hellcat by Steve Wilson
Tamiya P-51 Geronimo by Mike Mcellaney
Dragon M-51 Isherman by Michelle Edwards
Italieri Avenger Mk-1 by Michelle Edwards
BTR-60P by Ken childres
BTR-50 PK by Ken Childres
1/48th Revell B-25J by Lloyd King
1/144th Show Car Car Show by Ray Smith
1/144th DP RK MiG 21 by Ray Smith
1/144th SPAD SA-2 by Ray Smith
1/48th F9F-5 The Blue Tailed by Ray Smith
1/48th RAF Chinook by Lloyd King
1st Place: BTR-50 PK by Ken Childres
2nd Place: My Favorite Martian by Brent Bristow
3rd Place: Tamiya P-51 Geronimo by Mike Mcellaney
Member of the Year Nominations
Lloyd King
I was wondering if I can nominate someone being an overseas member? If so, and without him knowing I would like to nominate Lloyd King.
My reasons:
He always promotes CASM and its event's. Forwarding this email is just one proof. He told me about the online competition in the forum and then again reminded me and several other members to vote. He willing gives up his time to help other modellers to improve their skills by the use of the internet. Only this week he showed me a technique to weather a panel on the B-17 I building. Lloyd will also go raid his stash and send kits to modellers if they are in need of some kit that is hard to come by or is out of production. Lloyd is also a major contributor to the Museum aboard the USS Lexington.
All though in pain and ailing with medical conditions Lloyd will always find the time to talk to his friends, help and advise anyone who asks. He offers to take any comments from Mike Mclaney, Ian Adkinson and myself to any club meetings he is able to attend, He reminds us of when our subscriptions are due and will even collect Mike's and mine and forward them to the right person.
In short the man is not only a fast and talented modeller, he is one with a big and generous heart, who will always give his time to help fellow modellers.
Please formally accept my nomination For Lloyd King to be CASM member of the year.
Cliff Bullock
Cliff has made leaps and bounds to help make the CASM Contest really great. He has contacted about 100 different businesses to gain sponsorships and raffle items. He has also pushed club members to participate in the show as well.
Brianna Childres
Brianna does not build models but is extremely supportive of the club, club members, club activities, and her husband Ken. I have had the opportunity to see this support first hand as a member of the E-Board. As Contest Committee Chairman she has diligently worked on the club contest all year long. Her behind-the-scenes work has included leading of the contest committee, which is composed of some very strong personalities, across a timeline of activities up to and including the contest. These activities include contacting show sponsors, vendors, refinement of judging criteria, soliciting donations, purchasing medals, and registration and the coordination of medal distribution at the contest. These few words do not adequately describe the weekly work it takes to do each activity. As the Webmaster she has constructed a very interactive website in which participants can view club demonstrations, learn information about a variety of modeling activities, and fellowship on the forum. She has developed strong relationships with a variety of IPMS National Personnel. During the meetings she maintains the webcam so that a live stream of the meeting can be viewed by members who are unable to attend and visitors across the nation and around the world. During the live stream, she dialogues with viewers so that they may participate with the club in real time while the meeting is being conducted. As Ken’s wife, she is supportive of Ken’s modeling activities by editing his published articles, going to different contests around the South, and encourages him to purchase and build models during their free time. She appreciates the work the club members present and sees their work as art. To sum things up: Brianna has a strong passion and love for the club, its members, the activities of the club, and her husband that she exercises by a thousand activities behind the scenes that most of us do not even know about.
CASM Wearing Apparel
Ken has found a local print shop who can print shirts in multiple colors at about the same price as one color printing. The printer uses a process that actually dyes the shirts so there is no concern of the applications pealing off. No minimum order number is required for printing which allows for a fast turnaround time. The club members present agreed with pursuing that printer for the CASM apparel.
Contest Committee Report
Sponsorships: Brianna applauded the work of Cliff Bullock for actively working on obtaining both sponsorships and donations. The goal is to have the contest completely paid for by the money obtained by sponsorships. Each sponsor group will have their name and advertisement on the club website. Medals and Plaques: Medals and plaques have been ordered. Judges Training: Daris reviewed the judging criteria, which is available on-line and the organization of the judges. Certain members will be asked to be category judges who will then ask other members to judge the categories. Judges will be trained to go by the judging sheets and not personal preference. The Figures category has a separate set of judging criteria that places more of an emphasis on finishing than on construction. 1-to-1 competition for the “best of” categories will be between the Gold medal winners within the category.
Jacksonville Air show
An air show will be held at the Jacksonville Air Base on 9/8 and 9/9/12. There will be a large number of aircraft on the ground to take photos of and the Blue Angels will be performing.
Pulaski Technical College Modeling Class
The club wanted to remind club members that modeling classes are held at Pulaski Tech. The class schedule is on the calendar on the club website. This is an opportunity to learn modeling techniques from each of the modeling genres and another opportunity for members to have a good time and fellowship with modeling.
Ron Leker presented a WIP; he plans to turn a Heller Corsair (ship) and turn it into a Sky Flyer that is common to science fiction. He als presented a Wargamer Lord of the Rings Cave Troll.
Ken Childres presented a Zombie Toyota Truck WIP.
Cliff Bullock presented a Trumpeter Russian Mig 3.
Bob Hiatt presented continued work on the HMS Surprise, USS Gambier Bay, and the USS Ronald Reagan that he is backdating to an earlier Harry S. Truman.
Mona Hiatt presented an Ordnance rifle.
Ken Faucett presented Ford Coupe Street Rod and ’54 Revell Re-issue..
Mike Warren presented 1/72 Dragon T-34.
Garrick St. Pierre presented two models from the inheritance collection: Cessna Citation 1 and DC9-10 Hughes Airwest.
Anand Gudi presented an F-86 Hybrid from Academy.
Greg Stitz presented miniatures from the game Return to Castle Ravenlift.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM
CASM Eboard Minutes
Date: 8/4/12
Members present: Ken Childres, David Stilwell, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres,
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Contest News
More donations for the silent auction and raffle have been received and includes such items as resin figures, decal sheets, Tasca tank, Model Mansion figures, Magazine subscriptions, items from Miniart, and airbrushes. The Committee would like a table count at the facility and Tom will take care of obtaining the count. There are currently four venders who have signed up.
Member of the Year will be nominated at the next meeting. The same format will be used where the person making the nomination will provide a written statement that provides the reasons for the nomination. Ken is going to check on the status of the Member of the Year and the Memorial Plaque with Daris. Ken has access to some very fine wood and friend can do the engraving on the plaques for a minimum fee if Daris is too busy to make the plaques.
Web Cam
It was moved by Ken and seconded by Dave for the club to purchase a webcam to better stream the club meetings on the net. The webcam will cost less than $40.00. The motion was passed unanimously.
Hobbytown USA is changing Locations!
The Hobbytown move to Shackleford Crossing shopping center has been delayed to Labor Day weekend. Roger has asked that club members attend the Grand Opening of the store and work on models or provide demonstrations of techniques. He would also like members to help with the move and will pay the helpers with an in-store credit for the hours worked.
PTC Promotion
We have lax recently in promoting participation in PTC. Ken will start promoting the gathering during the club meeting and Brianna will add it to the calendar of events on the web page.
Passing of Officer Duties
Ken would like the current E-Board members to meet with the in-coming E-Board members at the next E-Board meeting to discuss their respective duties and the direction of the club for the future.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
Members present: Ken Childres, David Stilwell, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres,
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Contest News
More donations for the silent auction and raffle have been received and includes such items as resin figures, decal sheets, Tasca tank, Model Mansion figures, Magazine subscriptions, items from Miniart, and airbrushes. The Committee would like a table count at the facility and Tom will take care of obtaining the count. There are currently four venders who have signed up.
Member of the Year will be nominated at the next meeting. The same format will be used where the person making the nomination will provide a written statement that provides the reasons for the nomination. Ken is going to check on the status of the Member of the Year and the Memorial Plaque with Daris. Ken has access to some very fine wood and friend can do the engraving on the plaques for a minimum fee if Daris is too busy to make the plaques.
Web Cam
It was moved by Ken and seconded by Dave for the club to purchase a webcam to better stream the club meetings on the net. The webcam will cost less than $40.00. The motion was passed unanimously.
Hobbytown USA is changing Locations!
The Hobbytown move to Shackleford Crossing shopping center has been delayed to Labor Day weekend. Roger has asked that club members attend the Grand Opening of the store and work on models or provide demonstrations of techniques. He would also like members to help with the move and will pay the helpers with an in-store credit for the hours worked.
PTC Promotion
We have lax recently in promoting participation in PTC. Ken will start promoting the gathering during the club meeting and Brianna will add it to the calendar of events on the web page.
Passing of Officer Duties
Ken would like the current E-Board members to meet with the in-coming E-Board members at the next E-Board meeting to discuss their respective duties and the direction of the club for the future.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M.