CASM Meeting Minutes
Date: 12/11/10
Members present: Tom Brown, William Cardwell, Nadine Chauvet, Romain Chauvet, Brianna Childres, Ken Childress, John Erwin, Ken Fausett, Floyd Franks, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Lloyd King, Rick Knap, Noel Lawson, Ron Leker, Jimmy Lockett, Daris Long, Rusty Nail, Conrad Schalkin, David Stilwell, Ed Swaim, Chance Swift, Josh Swift, David Wassell
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
1. Gary Johnson and his family have asked CASM to dispose of Gary’s model collection. Ken and some other club members are going to Gary’s house after the meeting to take an inventory of Gary’s collection
2. Four volunteers are needed to review the proposed By-Laws and attend the next E-Board meeting with their recommendations, approval, or disapproval. Members who volunteered were Ed Swaim, Rusty Nail and Lloyd King. Click here to review the bylaws.
3. Dues for 2011 are due by 12/31/10 and will be collected throughout this meeting.
4. Ron reported that the After School Model Building Class has been completed and was a great success. The class was the only after-school class whose enrollment had to be cut-off at 30 and the children built four models with the assistance of CASM members who volunteered their time. A heart felt thanks was extended to Brianna Childress, Ken Childress, Lloyd King, Jeff Griffin, and Josh Swift for the time they volunteered to the program and the club was thanked for the donation of money for model kits. The After-School program will be offered next fall and any member who would like to participate should contact Ron. Ron will be extending the modeling classes for children and their parents at Hobbytown USA on Saturdays after the CASM meeting. Any Club member who would like to assist Ron is welcome to join him after the meeting. Ron hopes to also like to host adult beginners modeling classes during the coming year at Hobbytown USA. Any club members who would like to assist should contact Ron.
5. Jimmy Lockett reported that he had recently spoken with Gary Johnson who is doing pretty well. Gary’s pain is well-controlled through medication and he has come to grips with his impending death. Gary is with his family at this time.
6. Roger handed out red squares of paper to all members worth $5.00 off any purchase made in the store today as a Christmas gift. Thanks a lot Roger for all of your assistance to the club!
Pete Harwell M-47 Memorial Build
There were four members who participated in the build and offered eight models in various stages of completion, including a futuristic hover tank! The completed models were judged by club members in attendance. Daris Long won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place with his rendition of Jordanian, US Army, and US Marine M-47s. Way to go Daris! I am sure All contributions were well done. Pete would have been well pleased with the number and quality of the M-47 entries.
Swap Meet
A number of members brought model for swap or purchase and a good time was had by all.
Contest CommitteeMembers of the Contest Committee met at the conclusion of the meeting. A report of the current progress by the committee will be presented to the club at the next club meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 1130 PM
Members present: Tom Brown, William Cardwell, Nadine Chauvet, Romain Chauvet, Brianna Childres, Ken Childress, John Erwin, Ken Fausett, Floyd Franks, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Lloyd King, Rick Knap, Noel Lawson, Ron Leker, Jimmy Lockett, Daris Long, Rusty Nail, Conrad Schalkin, David Stilwell, Ed Swaim, Chance Swift, Josh Swift, David Wassell
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
1. Gary Johnson and his family have asked CASM to dispose of Gary’s model collection. Ken and some other club members are going to Gary’s house after the meeting to take an inventory of Gary’s collection
2. Four volunteers are needed to review the proposed By-Laws and attend the next E-Board meeting with their recommendations, approval, or disapproval. Members who volunteered were Ed Swaim, Rusty Nail and Lloyd King. Click here to review the bylaws.
3. Dues for 2011 are due by 12/31/10 and will be collected throughout this meeting.
4. Ron reported that the After School Model Building Class has been completed and was a great success. The class was the only after-school class whose enrollment had to be cut-off at 30 and the children built four models with the assistance of CASM members who volunteered their time. A heart felt thanks was extended to Brianna Childress, Ken Childress, Lloyd King, Jeff Griffin, and Josh Swift for the time they volunteered to the program and the club was thanked for the donation of money for model kits. The After-School program will be offered next fall and any member who would like to participate should contact Ron. Ron will be extending the modeling classes for children and their parents at Hobbytown USA on Saturdays after the CASM meeting. Any Club member who would like to assist Ron is welcome to join him after the meeting. Ron hopes to also like to host adult beginners modeling classes during the coming year at Hobbytown USA. Any club members who would like to assist should contact Ron.
5. Jimmy Lockett reported that he had recently spoken with Gary Johnson who is doing pretty well. Gary’s pain is well-controlled through medication and he has come to grips with his impending death. Gary is with his family at this time.
6. Roger handed out red squares of paper to all members worth $5.00 off any purchase made in the store today as a Christmas gift. Thanks a lot Roger for all of your assistance to the club!
Pete Harwell M-47 Memorial Build
There were four members who participated in the build and offered eight models in various stages of completion, including a futuristic hover tank! The completed models were judged by club members in attendance. Daris Long won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place with his rendition of Jordanian, US Army, and US Marine M-47s. Way to go Daris! I am sure All contributions were well done. Pete would have been well pleased with the number and quality of the M-47 entries.
Swap Meet
A number of members brought model for swap or purchase and a good time was had by all.
Contest CommitteeMembers of the Contest Committee met at the conclusion of the meeting. A report of the current progress by the committee will be presented to the club at the next club meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 1130 PM