CASM Meeting Minutes
Date: 2/14/15
Present: Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Richard Buzbee, Barry Chase, Traci Derrick, Brian Elliott, Roy Elliott, Kenneth Faussett, Jeffrey Griffin, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Noel Lawson, Daris Long, Sam Macheak, Jay Miller, Dave Mizda, John Montgomery, Conrad Schalchlin, David Wassell, Steve Wilson, Chris Woodson
The meeting was called to order by President Ray Smith at 10:00 A.M.
March Meeting: Since many club members will be attending shows on March 14, it was decided that the March meeting would be moved to March 7.
Survey: Ray went over the results of the member interest survey. The survey indicated that the club members are again more interested in models, techniques, and fellowship with other
modelers than other aspects of the club.
Group Build: The next group build is due at the June meeting. The theme is “Wrecked.”
Sproo-Doo: The show is scheduled for September 26 at the Statehouse Convention Center. The show theme is “50 Shades of Green.”
April Build Day: After the April meeting, scheduled for April 11, we will have a build day. Everyone is encouraged to bring a model to work on. Lunch will be supplied by the club.
River City Comic Expo: Brent Bristow suggested that CASM set up 2 tables at the River City Comic Expo, which will be held at the Statehouse Convention Center on August 29, in order to
get exposure and potentially recruit new members. Steve Wilson had also suggested setting up a table at this event on CASM’s Facebook page. The club voted to pay for 2 vendors tables at the
event to display models of comic book/sci-fi/horror/fantasy/gaming subjects, display the banner, and hand out show fliers.
Dues: If you have not paid your membership dues, please do so ASAP.
Demo: Tom Brown gave a demo on using and cleaning paint brushes and using a wet pallet for acrylic paints.
Gift Cards:
$5-Brian Elliott
$10-Jay Miller
$15-Daris Long
Bob Hiatt presented the USS Fletcher WIP and an NIB USS New York BB-34.
Mona Hiatt presented a WIP Robert E. Lee river boat.
Rick Knapp presented an artillery observation Panther WIP.
Kenneth Faussett presented an NIB California Hauler 359 Peterbuilt.
Dave Mizda presented a ’69 Chevy WIP.
Chris Woodson presented a War Hammer 40K Logan Grimnar on a wolf sled, along with a few other wolf figures, some with saddles.
John Montgomery presented a German Pioner Wagon and a WIP Modified LAV.
Brent Bristow presented a bust of Dracula’s Daughter.
Richard Buzbee presented a Panter I-35G WIP, and an M10 II C Achilles.
Barry Chase presented a WIP Corsair F4U-4.
Traci Derrick presented a USS Yorktown.
Sam Macheak presented several NIB kits.
Cliff Bullock presented a Y72 Revell HO-229 and an Italeri M40/75 Gothic Line Defender Diorama.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20.
Present: Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Richard Buzbee, Barry Chase, Traci Derrick, Brian Elliott, Roy Elliott, Kenneth Faussett, Jeffrey Griffin, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Noel Lawson, Daris Long, Sam Macheak, Jay Miller, Dave Mizda, John Montgomery, Conrad Schalchlin, David Wassell, Steve Wilson, Chris Woodson
The meeting was called to order by President Ray Smith at 10:00 A.M.
March Meeting: Since many club members will be attending shows on March 14, it was decided that the March meeting would be moved to March 7.
Survey: Ray went over the results of the member interest survey. The survey indicated that the club members are again more interested in models, techniques, and fellowship with other
modelers than other aspects of the club.
Group Build: The next group build is due at the June meeting. The theme is “Wrecked.”
Sproo-Doo: The show is scheduled for September 26 at the Statehouse Convention Center. The show theme is “50 Shades of Green.”
April Build Day: After the April meeting, scheduled for April 11, we will have a build day. Everyone is encouraged to bring a model to work on. Lunch will be supplied by the club.
River City Comic Expo: Brent Bristow suggested that CASM set up 2 tables at the River City Comic Expo, which will be held at the Statehouse Convention Center on August 29, in order to
get exposure and potentially recruit new members. Steve Wilson had also suggested setting up a table at this event on CASM’s Facebook page. The club voted to pay for 2 vendors tables at the
event to display models of comic book/sci-fi/horror/fantasy/gaming subjects, display the banner, and hand out show fliers.
Dues: If you have not paid your membership dues, please do so ASAP.
Demo: Tom Brown gave a demo on using and cleaning paint brushes and using a wet pallet for acrylic paints.
Gift Cards:
$5-Brian Elliott
$10-Jay Miller
$15-Daris Long
Bob Hiatt presented the USS Fletcher WIP and an NIB USS New York BB-34.
Mona Hiatt presented a WIP Robert E. Lee river boat.
Rick Knapp presented an artillery observation Panther WIP.
Kenneth Faussett presented an NIB California Hauler 359 Peterbuilt.
Dave Mizda presented a ’69 Chevy WIP.
Chris Woodson presented a War Hammer 40K Logan Grimnar on a wolf sled, along with a few other wolf figures, some with saddles.
John Montgomery presented a German Pioner Wagon and a WIP Modified LAV.
Brent Bristow presented a bust of Dracula’s Daughter.
Richard Buzbee presented a Panter I-35G WIP, and an M10 II C Achilles.
Barry Chase presented a WIP Corsair F4U-4.
Traci Derrick presented a USS Yorktown.
Sam Macheak presented several NIB kits.
Cliff Bullock presented a Y72 Revell HO-229 and an Italeri M40/75 Gothic Line Defender Diorama.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20.