CASM Meeting Minutes - June 2012
Date: 6/9/12
Present: Chris Almazern, Brad Bond, Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Richard Buzbee, Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Micelle Edwards*, Anand Gudi, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Lloyd King*, Rick Knapp, Ron Leker, Sam Macheak, Conrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, Garrick St. Pierre, David Stilwell, Nguyen Truong, Mike Warren, Steve Wilson
*On-line attendance
Nine viewers on-line
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Events
6/16/12 Sooner Con, Oklahoma City, OK; 6/28-30/12 AMPS Armor Show and Military Preservation Association International Show, Huntsville, AL, 6/16/12 Soonercon, Oklahoma City, OK; 6/28 -30, AMPS-MVPA 2012, Huntsville, AL; 8/18/12 HAMS, Model Car Show, Houston, TX; 9/15/12 Autumn Con 2012, Region 6 Regional, Covington, LA.
Library Display
Dave wanted to thank all of those who contributed models and assisted in setting up the display at the library. He will pick up more models and add to the display today. Te display closes on June 30. Dave and his wife will pick up all of the models and take them to Hobbytown for pick-up. Dick Montgomery asked for pictures of the display for the upcoming IPMS Journal.
Online Contest
The online contest was postponed from July to August. Registration will be during the week of 8/1/12- 8/7/12 and consist of people posting pictures on a designated spot on the Club Forum. Judging will consist of viewers of the models casting a vote for model they think is the best and judging will be between 8/8/12 – 8/13/12. Each viewer has one vote. Entries can be of any model built since the last club contest (10/4/12) till the end of registration. The winner of the contest will be the person with the model that has received the most votes by the viewers. The winner will be announced at the September club meeting.
The Paypal account is available and can used through the CASM website. Membership dues may be paid through the use of the Paypal account.
Hobbytown USA is changing Locations!
Roger let us know via Ron Leker that Hobbytown is relocating to a store at the Shackleford Crossing shopping center. There has been a place arranged for the club to meet within the store. The store will move in August and the August club meeting will be the last meeting held at the current location. If any member desires to help with the move, Roger will pay them at the standard employee wage with an in-store credit for the amount of money accumulated for the hours worked. He will also accept donated time as well!
CASM Contest Pre-Registration Opens July 1st
Pre-registration for the CASM Contest will open July 1 and can be paid through the Paypal account online.
CASM Wearing Apparel
Ken plans on designing a new club shirt that has the claws of “The Black Cat” ripping through a shirt, cap, and club pin. The color scheme will be a one-color scheme to keep the price of the shirts at a minimum. The artwork will be submitted to the club for approval. Order will be taken online through the Paypal account but merchandise cannot be ordered until the unit order reaches at least 25 units because the shirts have to be paid for up front of the order.
Because of the amount of business that will be taking place during the June and July meetings, there will be no scheduled demonstrations for those meetings. The next demonstration will be arranged for the August meeting.
Advanced Airbrushed Seminar
There will be an Advance Airbrush Seminar after the August meeting. Advanced airbrushing technique will be broken down into the categories of aircraft, armor, cars, and figures and each category will be taught by a club member who is proficient in each of those genres. Seminar sign-up will be into the category of your choice but the number of people enrolled will be limited. Participants will be expected to bring an airbrush, paint, and a kit to paint.
Aerospace Camp
Chris Almerzon is a teacher at Cloverdale Aerospace Middle School and invited CASM members to attend Aerospace Camp on 7/7/12. Admission is free and free food is available. The camp is located at the Cloverdale Aerospace Middle School which is located in South Little Rock. The Middle School has received a donation of 300 built model aircraft that the school plans on hanging from the cafeteria ceiling. Some may be damaged in transport. Chris asked for volunteers from CASM to participate in the restoration process.
Losing Our Sons
Joshua Swift shared with the group that Daris Long was unable to attend the meeting this weekend because he was in Nashville, TN to attend the premier showing of the documentary: Losing Our Sons that covers the terrorist attack in Little Rock in which Daris lost his son. The documentary will be shown on 6/12/12 at the Marketville Cinema in Little Rock and will be free of charge.
Wonderfest Report
Brent Bristow and Ron Leker reported on the recent Wonderfest that they, along with Rusty Nail, attended. There were nearly 600 entries. An open judging system was used and nearly 130 medals and certificates were awarded. CASM members did quite well with Ron receiving several Bronze medals and Certificates of Participation, his son received the Best Juinior Modeler Award, Rusty received several Silver medals, and Tom Brown received a Bronze Medal and Best Anime award.
Tulsa International Figure Show Report
Bob Hiatt presented a report from the Tulsa International Figure Show. While Bob did not do so well at the show, Rusty Nail received some awards and was inducted into the Master Modeler division, which is quite an honor.
Pensicola Show Report
Ken and Brianna Childress attended the Pensicola Contest. The contest attendance was small and both the open system of judging for the figure models and the IPMS method of judging for the rest were used. For a first time show, they overcame any hitches and the Florida area provided many sightseeing opportunities.
Club Officer Nominations
President: Ken Childres
Vice President: Rick Knapp
Secretary: Brent Bristow
Treasurer: David Wassell
Contest Coordinator: Brianna Childres
Club Contact: Ray Smith
Election Committee: Ron Leker, Richard Buzbee
Voting will be held during the next meeting.
Club Group Build Theme” Made in the ‘60s
Entries for the group build included:
Richard Buzbee: Gemini Capsule
Cliff Bullock: ’67 GTO
Ron Leker: Green Bird of Prey
Brent Bristow: Grey Bird of Prey and My Favorite Martian
Ray Smith: Parking lot with paper cars
Winners by club popular vote:
First Place: My Favorite Martian (6 first place votes)
Second Place: Green Bird of Prey ((6 second place votes)
Third Place: Parking Lot (7 third place votes)
Sproo-Do Show Flyers
Contest flyers are available for distribution. Flyers can be downloaded in Black and white and color. Please take the flyers to all of the contests that you attend between now and the contest.
It is time to solicit sponsorships for the CASM contest. Sponsorship information may be found on the Website. Money obtained through sponsorships is the primary method of funding the CASM contest. Sponsors receive significant advertisement on the club website.
Rick Knapp: presented a Tamiya Mauder III project with a Verlinden interior set and German infantry figures.
Ron Leker presented 1/144 Millennium Falcon.
Ken Childres presented Sherman WIP.
Cliff Bullock presented a French D520.
Brent Bristow presented My Favorite Martian and Klingon D-7 Bird of Prey.
Garrick St. Pierre presented a Tamiya F-16 Thunderbird
Bob Hiatt presented continued work on the HMS Surprise.
Mona Hiatt presented a very fine carriage.
Brad Bond presented 1/48 scale Tamiya Mr-A1 and a Deuce-and-a half.
Richard Buzbee presented a 1/35 Tasca Whippet tank and an assortment of Flames of War figures and vehicles.
SteveWilson presented a “little tank”: combination Academy/AFV Hellcat and Sherman WIP.
Nguen Troung presented a 1/35 Revell US Huey and 1/35 Academy Tiger.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM
Present: Chris Almazern, Brad Bond, Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Richard Buzbee, Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Micelle Edwards*, Anand Gudi, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Lloyd King*, Rick Knapp, Ron Leker, Sam Macheak, Conrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, Garrick St. Pierre, David Stilwell, Nguyen Truong, Mike Warren, Steve Wilson
*On-line attendance
Nine viewers on-line
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Events
6/16/12 Sooner Con, Oklahoma City, OK; 6/28-30/12 AMPS Armor Show and Military Preservation Association International Show, Huntsville, AL, 6/16/12 Soonercon, Oklahoma City, OK; 6/28 -30, AMPS-MVPA 2012, Huntsville, AL; 8/18/12 HAMS, Model Car Show, Houston, TX; 9/15/12 Autumn Con 2012, Region 6 Regional, Covington, LA.
Library Display
Dave wanted to thank all of those who contributed models and assisted in setting up the display at the library. He will pick up more models and add to the display today. Te display closes on June 30. Dave and his wife will pick up all of the models and take them to Hobbytown for pick-up. Dick Montgomery asked for pictures of the display for the upcoming IPMS Journal.
Online Contest
The online contest was postponed from July to August. Registration will be during the week of 8/1/12- 8/7/12 and consist of people posting pictures on a designated spot on the Club Forum. Judging will consist of viewers of the models casting a vote for model they think is the best and judging will be between 8/8/12 – 8/13/12. Each viewer has one vote. Entries can be of any model built since the last club contest (10/4/12) till the end of registration. The winner of the contest will be the person with the model that has received the most votes by the viewers. The winner will be announced at the September club meeting.
The Paypal account is available and can used through the CASM website. Membership dues may be paid through the use of the Paypal account.
Hobbytown USA is changing Locations!
Roger let us know via Ron Leker that Hobbytown is relocating to a store at the Shackleford Crossing shopping center. There has been a place arranged for the club to meet within the store. The store will move in August and the August club meeting will be the last meeting held at the current location. If any member desires to help with the move, Roger will pay them at the standard employee wage with an in-store credit for the amount of money accumulated for the hours worked. He will also accept donated time as well!
CASM Contest Pre-Registration Opens July 1st
Pre-registration for the CASM Contest will open July 1 and can be paid through the Paypal account online.
CASM Wearing Apparel
Ken plans on designing a new club shirt that has the claws of “The Black Cat” ripping through a shirt, cap, and club pin. The color scheme will be a one-color scheme to keep the price of the shirts at a minimum. The artwork will be submitted to the club for approval. Order will be taken online through the Paypal account but merchandise cannot be ordered until the unit order reaches at least 25 units because the shirts have to be paid for up front of the order.
Because of the amount of business that will be taking place during the June and July meetings, there will be no scheduled demonstrations for those meetings. The next demonstration will be arranged for the August meeting.
Advanced Airbrushed Seminar
There will be an Advance Airbrush Seminar after the August meeting. Advanced airbrushing technique will be broken down into the categories of aircraft, armor, cars, and figures and each category will be taught by a club member who is proficient in each of those genres. Seminar sign-up will be into the category of your choice but the number of people enrolled will be limited. Participants will be expected to bring an airbrush, paint, and a kit to paint.
Aerospace Camp
Chris Almerzon is a teacher at Cloverdale Aerospace Middle School and invited CASM members to attend Aerospace Camp on 7/7/12. Admission is free and free food is available. The camp is located at the Cloverdale Aerospace Middle School which is located in South Little Rock. The Middle School has received a donation of 300 built model aircraft that the school plans on hanging from the cafeteria ceiling. Some may be damaged in transport. Chris asked for volunteers from CASM to participate in the restoration process.
Losing Our Sons
Joshua Swift shared with the group that Daris Long was unable to attend the meeting this weekend because he was in Nashville, TN to attend the premier showing of the documentary: Losing Our Sons that covers the terrorist attack in Little Rock in which Daris lost his son. The documentary will be shown on 6/12/12 at the Marketville Cinema in Little Rock and will be free of charge.
Wonderfest Report
Brent Bristow and Ron Leker reported on the recent Wonderfest that they, along with Rusty Nail, attended. There were nearly 600 entries. An open judging system was used and nearly 130 medals and certificates were awarded. CASM members did quite well with Ron receiving several Bronze medals and Certificates of Participation, his son received the Best Juinior Modeler Award, Rusty received several Silver medals, and Tom Brown received a Bronze Medal and Best Anime award.
Tulsa International Figure Show Report
Bob Hiatt presented a report from the Tulsa International Figure Show. While Bob did not do so well at the show, Rusty Nail received some awards and was inducted into the Master Modeler division, which is quite an honor.
Pensicola Show Report
Ken and Brianna Childress attended the Pensicola Contest. The contest attendance was small and both the open system of judging for the figure models and the IPMS method of judging for the rest were used. For a first time show, they overcame any hitches and the Florida area provided many sightseeing opportunities.
Club Officer Nominations
President: Ken Childres
Vice President: Rick Knapp
Secretary: Brent Bristow
Treasurer: David Wassell
Contest Coordinator: Brianna Childres
Club Contact: Ray Smith
Election Committee: Ron Leker, Richard Buzbee
Voting will be held during the next meeting.
Club Group Build Theme” Made in the ‘60s
Entries for the group build included:
Richard Buzbee: Gemini Capsule
Cliff Bullock: ’67 GTO
Ron Leker: Green Bird of Prey
Brent Bristow: Grey Bird of Prey and My Favorite Martian
Ray Smith: Parking lot with paper cars
Winners by club popular vote:
First Place: My Favorite Martian (6 first place votes)
Second Place: Green Bird of Prey ((6 second place votes)
Third Place: Parking Lot (7 third place votes)
Sproo-Do Show Flyers
Contest flyers are available for distribution. Flyers can be downloaded in Black and white and color. Please take the flyers to all of the contests that you attend between now and the contest.
It is time to solicit sponsorships for the CASM contest. Sponsorship information may be found on the Website. Money obtained through sponsorships is the primary method of funding the CASM contest. Sponsors receive significant advertisement on the club website.
Rick Knapp: presented a Tamiya Mauder III project with a Verlinden interior set and German infantry figures.
Ron Leker presented 1/144 Millennium Falcon.
Ken Childres presented Sherman WIP.
Cliff Bullock presented a French D520.
Brent Bristow presented My Favorite Martian and Klingon D-7 Bird of Prey.
Garrick St. Pierre presented a Tamiya F-16 Thunderbird
Bob Hiatt presented continued work on the HMS Surprise.
Mona Hiatt presented a very fine carriage.
Brad Bond presented 1/48 scale Tamiya Mr-A1 and a Deuce-and-a half.
Richard Buzbee presented a 1/35 Tasca Whippet tank and an assortment of Flames of War figures and vehicles.
SteveWilson presented a “little tank”: combination Academy/AFV Hellcat and Sherman WIP.
Nguen Troung presented a 1/35 Revell US Huey and 1/35 Academy Tiger.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM
CASM Executive Board Meeting Minutes - June 2012
Date: 6/2/12
Members present: Ken Childres, David Stilwell, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres, David Wassell, Joshua Swift
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Library Display Was Set Up
Dave wanted to thank all of those who contributed models and assisted in setting up the display at the library. He will pick up more models and add to the display today. Te display closes on June 30 and will appreciate help in picking the models up. Dick Montgomery asked for pictures of the display for the upcoming IPMS Journal.
Officer Elections
The officer election process starts at the June meeting. At the June meeting, nominations will be taken for each of the club officer positions. Presently, Dave Stillwell, Tom Brown, and Joshua Swift do not desire to run for a second term. So the offices of Vice-President, Secretary, and Club Contacted are open for club members who desire to fill those offices. Brianna Childres is uncertain if she does or does not desire to run for the Contest Committee Chairman. Nominations may be made for people who are or are not club members. But non-members will need to become members of both CASM and IPMS should they be elected as an officer. A member can be nominated for only one officer position. Nominations will be taken according to the following order of offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Contest Committee Chairman, and Club Contact.
The By-laws outline the election procedure and requires the establishment of an Election Committee composed of two disinterested volunteers who are members of the club and is formed at the nomination meeting in June. Nominations will be taken for the committee after officer nominations are closed. Neither current officers nor members nominated for an officer position may be on the Election Committee. The Election Committee is responsible for creating the ballots, conducting the casting of votes, and the counting of votes. Votes may also be cast through absentee and electronic procedures but must be cast during the month prior to the election meeting in August. The By-Laws also specify that a person may be nominated for only one office. The logistics of including our out-of-area/state(s) members through absentee voting were discussed but we concluded that more discussion was necessary and ought to include the Election Committee. Only members who have attended at least one club meeting or made at least one post on the club Forum or submitted at least one article to the club newsletter during the past 12 months may nominate vote in the election. Attendance and Forum participation will be made available to the Election Committee by the Secretary. Elected officers are determined by a plurality of the votes cast and the results and tallies are announced at the officer election general meeting in August.
The different members nominated during the June meeting will be contacted by the present incumbent officer for their nominated position to let them know the duties of the office and answer any questions they might have regarding being an officer in that position.
Nominations are made in June, voting occurs in July, and the results are announced at the August meeting.
Online Contest
The online contest was postponed from July to August. We want to keep the contest as simple as possible. Registration will be during the week of 8/1/12- 8/7/12 and consist of people posting pictures on a designated spot on the Club Forum. Judging will consist of viewers of the models casting a vote for model they think is the best and judging will be between 8/8/12 – 8/13/12. Each viewer has one vote. Entries can be of any model built since the last club contest (10/4/12) till the end of registration. The winner of the contest will be the person with the model that has received the most votes by the viewers. The winner will be announced at the September club meeting.
The Paypal account is available and can used through the CASM website. Membership dues may be paid through the use of the Paypal account. Remember, only members can cast votes in the club election in July.
Hobbytown USA is changing Locations!
Roger let us know via Ron Leker that Hobbytown is relocating to a store at the Shackleford Crossing shopping center. There has been a place arranged for the club to meet within the store. The store will move in August and the August club meeting will be the last meeting held at the current location. If any member desires to help with the move, Roger will pay them at the standard employee wage with an in-store credit for the amount of money accumulated for the hours worked. He will also accept donated time as well!
CASM Wearing Apparel
Richard Buzbee asked about purchasing a club shirt. Ken plans on designing a new club shirt that has the claws of “The Black Cat” ripping through a shirt, cap, and club pin. The color scheme will be a one-color scheme to keep the price of the shirts at a minimum. The artwork will be submitted to the club for approval. Order will be taken online through the Paypal account but merchandise cannot be ordered until the unit order reaches at least 25 units because the shirts have to be paid for up front of the order.
CASM Contest Pre-Registration Opens July 1st
Pre-registration for the CASM Contest will open July 1 and can be paid through the Paypal account online.
Because of the amount of business that will be taking place during the June and July meetings, there will be no scheduled demonstrations for those meetings. The next demonstration will be arranged for the August meeting.
Advanced Airbrushed Seminar
There will be an Advance Airbrush Seminar after the August meeting. Advanced airbrushing technique will be broken down into the categories of aircraft, armor, cars, and figures and each category will be taught by a club member who is proficient in each of those genres. Seminar sign-up will be into the category of your choice but the number of people enrolled will be limited. Participants will be expected to bring an airbrush, paint, and a kit to paint.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
Members present: Ken Childres, David Stilwell, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres, David Wassell, Joshua Swift
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Library Display Was Set Up
Dave wanted to thank all of those who contributed models and assisted in setting up the display at the library. He will pick up more models and add to the display today. Te display closes on June 30 and will appreciate help in picking the models up. Dick Montgomery asked for pictures of the display for the upcoming IPMS Journal.
Officer Elections
The officer election process starts at the June meeting. At the June meeting, nominations will be taken for each of the club officer positions. Presently, Dave Stillwell, Tom Brown, and Joshua Swift do not desire to run for a second term. So the offices of Vice-President, Secretary, and Club Contacted are open for club members who desire to fill those offices. Brianna Childres is uncertain if she does or does not desire to run for the Contest Committee Chairman. Nominations may be made for people who are or are not club members. But non-members will need to become members of both CASM and IPMS should they be elected as an officer. A member can be nominated for only one officer position. Nominations will be taken according to the following order of offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Contest Committee Chairman, and Club Contact.
The By-laws outline the election procedure and requires the establishment of an Election Committee composed of two disinterested volunteers who are members of the club and is formed at the nomination meeting in June. Nominations will be taken for the committee after officer nominations are closed. Neither current officers nor members nominated for an officer position may be on the Election Committee. The Election Committee is responsible for creating the ballots, conducting the casting of votes, and the counting of votes. Votes may also be cast through absentee and electronic procedures but must be cast during the month prior to the election meeting in August. The By-Laws also specify that a person may be nominated for only one office. The logistics of including our out-of-area/state(s) members through absentee voting were discussed but we concluded that more discussion was necessary and ought to include the Election Committee. Only members who have attended at least one club meeting or made at least one post on the club Forum or submitted at least one article to the club newsletter during the past 12 months may nominate vote in the election. Attendance and Forum participation will be made available to the Election Committee by the Secretary. Elected officers are determined by a plurality of the votes cast and the results and tallies are announced at the officer election general meeting in August.
The different members nominated during the June meeting will be contacted by the present incumbent officer for their nominated position to let them know the duties of the office and answer any questions they might have regarding being an officer in that position.
Nominations are made in June, voting occurs in July, and the results are announced at the August meeting.
Online Contest
The online contest was postponed from July to August. We want to keep the contest as simple as possible. Registration will be during the week of 8/1/12- 8/7/12 and consist of people posting pictures on a designated spot on the Club Forum. Judging will consist of viewers of the models casting a vote for model they think is the best and judging will be between 8/8/12 – 8/13/12. Each viewer has one vote. Entries can be of any model built since the last club contest (10/4/12) till the end of registration. The winner of the contest will be the person with the model that has received the most votes by the viewers. The winner will be announced at the September club meeting.
The Paypal account is available and can used through the CASM website. Membership dues may be paid through the use of the Paypal account. Remember, only members can cast votes in the club election in July.
Hobbytown USA is changing Locations!
Roger let us know via Ron Leker that Hobbytown is relocating to a store at the Shackleford Crossing shopping center. There has been a place arranged for the club to meet within the store. The store will move in August and the August club meeting will be the last meeting held at the current location. If any member desires to help with the move, Roger will pay them at the standard employee wage with an in-store credit for the amount of money accumulated for the hours worked. He will also accept donated time as well!
CASM Wearing Apparel
Richard Buzbee asked about purchasing a club shirt. Ken plans on designing a new club shirt that has the claws of “The Black Cat” ripping through a shirt, cap, and club pin. The color scheme will be a one-color scheme to keep the price of the shirts at a minimum. The artwork will be submitted to the club for approval. Order will be taken online through the Paypal account but merchandise cannot be ordered until the unit order reaches at least 25 units because the shirts have to be paid for up front of the order.
CASM Contest Pre-Registration Opens July 1st
Pre-registration for the CASM Contest will open July 1 and can be paid through the Paypal account online.
Because of the amount of business that will be taking place during the June and July meetings, there will be no scheduled demonstrations for those meetings. The next demonstration will be arranged for the August meeting.
Advanced Airbrushed Seminar
There will be an Advance Airbrush Seminar after the August meeting. Advanced airbrushing technique will be broken down into the categories of aircraft, armor, cars, and figures and each category will be taught by a club member who is proficient in each of those genres. Seminar sign-up will be into the category of your choice but the number of people enrolled will be limited. Participants will be expected to bring an airbrush, paint, and a kit to paint.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M.