Kenneth Childres - President

1 Name: Kenneth Childres
2 Home town: Conway, AR
3 Birth Date: December 21, 1977
4 Where were you born? Prescott, AR
5 What is your profession? Producer
6 What are your areas of interest? Armor, Aircraft, WWII Subs and some figure and Sci-Fi
7 What kit was the best you have built? New Tamiya Panzer II, Fit like a glove!
8 What is the worst kit you have ever purchased? DML Bishop
9 What model(s) would you most like to see released? Good selection of ARVs (Bergepanther / BARV / Churchill and Sherman variants including Crab and Mine Rollers
10 How did you get into the hobby? My dad dabbled but seeing Jimmie Lockette's models in the Hot Springs library hooked me.
11 What was your first kit? Don't remember but i'm sure i got it at Walmart
12 How many kits are sitting on your shelf? 150 or so
13 How many half-built kits are on the shelf? Too many!
14 What was the last kit you bought? Cyberhobby Panzer IV J
15 How often do you buy a new kit? When I can afford them. I may buy several together and then not buy another for months.
16 How many books in your modeling library? 50-60 probably
17 What was the last reference book you purchased? I believe it was a Panzer Wrecks book.
18 Any other hobbies or interests? Are there other Hobbies?
19 What is your favorite modeling magazine? Tamiya and MMiR
20 Your favorite modeling tip/hint? Start light and work up to what you want. You can get darker but it's aweful hard to get lighter.
2 Home town: Conway, AR
3 Birth Date: December 21, 1977
4 Where were you born? Prescott, AR
5 What is your profession? Producer
6 What are your areas of interest? Armor, Aircraft, WWII Subs and some figure and Sci-Fi
7 What kit was the best you have built? New Tamiya Panzer II, Fit like a glove!
8 What is the worst kit you have ever purchased? DML Bishop
9 What model(s) would you most like to see released? Good selection of ARVs (Bergepanther / BARV / Churchill and Sherman variants including Crab and Mine Rollers
10 How did you get into the hobby? My dad dabbled but seeing Jimmie Lockette's models in the Hot Springs library hooked me.
11 What was your first kit? Don't remember but i'm sure i got it at Walmart
12 How many kits are sitting on your shelf? 150 or so
13 How many half-built kits are on the shelf? Too many!
14 What was the last kit you bought? Cyberhobby Panzer IV J
15 How often do you buy a new kit? When I can afford them. I may buy several together and then not buy another for months.
16 How many books in your modeling library? 50-60 probably
17 What was the last reference book you purchased? I believe it was a Panzer Wrecks book.
18 Any other hobbies or interests? Are there other Hobbies?
19 What is your favorite modeling magazine? Tamiya and MMiR
20 Your favorite modeling tip/hint? Start light and work up to what you want. You can get darker but it's aweful hard to get lighter.