Lloyd King
1 Name: Lloyd King
2 Home town: Little Rock, AR
3 Birth Date: August 20 1960
4 Where were you born? Chattanooga TN
5 What is your profession? Retired
6 What are your areas of interest?Modern Aircraft
7 What kit was the best you have built? Aconcagua Resin IA-58 Pucara (an Argentinian Co.)
8 What is the worst kit you have ever purchased? Classic Airframes Grumman Goose
9 What model(s) would you most like to see released? 1/32 P-61
10 How did you get into the hobby? Dad bought my 1st kit when I had the chicken pox
11 What was your first kit? 1/72 Aurora F-100 with battle damage
12 How many kits are sitting on your shelf? 500+
13 How many half-built kits are on the shelf? way to many
14 What was the last kit you bought? SH-3 Sea King
15 How often do you buy a new kit? once a month
16 How many books in your modeling library? 100+
17 What was the last reference book you purchased? F-4 Phantom in Foreign Service
18 Any other hobbies or interests? reading, and talking with my buddies on skype
19 What is your favorite modeling magazine? All of them
20 Your favorite modeling tip/hint? don’t be afraid to try something new and don’t sneeze while holding an open bottle of paint
2 Home town: Little Rock, AR
3 Birth Date: August 20 1960
4 Where were you born? Chattanooga TN
5 What is your profession? Retired
6 What are your areas of interest?Modern Aircraft
7 What kit was the best you have built? Aconcagua Resin IA-58 Pucara (an Argentinian Co.)
8 What is the worst kit you have ever purchased? Classic Airframes Grumman Goose
9 What model(s) would you most like to see released? 1/32 P-61
10 How did you get into the hobby? Dad bought my 1st kit when I had the chicken pox
11 What was your first kit? 1/72 Aurora F-100 with battle damage
12 How many kits are sitting on your shelf? 500+
13 How many half-built kits are on the shelf? way to many
14 What was the last kit you bought? SH-3 Sea King
15 How often do you buy a new kit? once a month
16 How many books in your modeling library? 100+
17 What was the last reference book you purchased? F-4 Phantom in Foreign Service
18 Any other hobbies or interests? reading, and talking with my buddies on skype
19 What is your favorite modeling magazine? All of them
20 Your favorite modeling tip/hint? don’t be afraid to try something new and don’t sneeze while holding an open bottle of paint