May 2011 Meeting Minutes
Date: 5/14/11
Present: Will Bronov, Tom Brown, Joshua Brunsfield, Cliff Bullock, Richard Buzbee (got your name spelled correctly this time, I hope!), Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Jack Coleman, Kenneth Fausett, Mona Hiatt, Bob Hiatt, Rick Knapp, Noel Lawson, Dakota Leker, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Conrad Schalchin, Ray Smith, David Stilwell, Josh Swift, Steve Wilson
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Shows
5/14 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Region 6 Cajun Modelfest XXVI; 5/21 Mesquite, Texas, Region 6 ScaleFest 2011; 5/28 Memphis, Tennessee, Region 3 2011 KING-CON; 6/3-6/4 The Tulsa Figure Show; 6/4 – 6/5 Overland Park, Kansas, Heartland Model Car Nationals; and 6/18 Soonercon, Oklahoma City, OK.
Gary Johnson
Joe Perceval shared with Ken Childres that Gary Johnson’s health is declining due to his brain cancer. Ken asks that Gary and his family be kept in our thoughts and prayers as they go through this part of Gary’s life.
Pulaski Tech Contest
Ken Leslie contacted Ken Childres and asked that his thanks be conveyed for the help, attendance, and model entries from members and regular attendees of CASM. Ken Leslie reported that there was a larger turnout of modelers when compared to previous years but there were less models entered into the contest.
Pulaski Tech Model Class
Ken Childres encouraged club members and regular attendees to attend the Pulaski Tech Model Class. It is a good opportunity to learn basic and advanced techniques over an extended period of time. The current class is being taught by Daris Long who is demonstrating different techniques for building armor models. Daris brings a quick wit that makes the class enjoyable while at the same time he shares techniques that he uses to make his beautiful models. Now that he is on the latter part of his life, he often cuts to the chaste and emphasizes quick and easy methods to obtain advanced results.
New Kits at Hobbytown USA
Ron Leker reported that the new 1/32 scale P-51D is coming soon to Hobbytown USA. He also encouraged club members to take advantage of their ability to order many desired model pieces. There are some new programs that they are participating in that allows them to obtain many new releases. He would like as many club members to let him know what models he can order for them.
Ken Childres encouraged club members and regular attendees to obtain sponsors for the upcoming CASM show. Members of the Contest Committee have been searching for less expensive venders to purchase the trophies for the show. However, there is currently not enough money available to purchase all of the medals and trophies scheduled for the show. The club may only purchase the number of trophies the treasury will allow and at this point most all of the special awards will need to be cancelled due to insufficient funds. The only way for the special awards to be funded is through individual donations and sponsorships. Time is running out because the trophies will need to be purchased within the next month to be here in time for the contest.
Dave Stillwell demonstrated multiple ways to fill seams. Seam-filling, while a basic technique, is often the downfall of many models at contests. Club members asked many excellent questions and added to Dave’s demonstration. Thanks Dave for an awesome demonstration! The demonstration may be viewed for future reference on the club website.
Gift Card Drawing Winners
Many thanks are given to Hobbytown USA for donating the gift cards for the drawing. Dakota Leker was this month’s name selector for the drawing with the following results: $5.00: Ron Leker; $10.00: Dakota Leker; $15.00 Ken Faucett. Hmmmm there seems to be a trend presenting itself here!
Cliff Bullock presented his M3A Stuart; Academy Stug IV; AFE Pakwagon; JS 152; and a tree he made out of copper wire. Please excuse any improper spelling by your old, hard of hearing Secretary, it all sounds Greek to me!
Daris Long presented his WIP M47 (what another M-47!) and T-34. Both models are being built as part of his Pulaski Tech class.
Ray Smith presented three B-24D paper models that were really, really small but extremely well done.
Ken Childres presented the Hobby Boss M3-A1 Scout Car, LB-30, and P-51.
Joshua Brunsfield presented a ’48 Woody; Rebel 200 Subaru Impreza; and a WIP Tamya RX7. It was good to have Joshua back to the club after a period of being unable to attend.
Ron Leker presented two Ferrari kits and some aftermarket stuff that have been received in Hobbytown USA.
Dakota Leker presented Da Vinci’s Armored Car that he built during the meeting. It comes complete with a wind-up motor that propels the car when wound.
Ken Faucett presented Tamiya Volkswagon Beetle convertible that is a work in progress. He presented his excellent work in using putty for modifications.
Bob Hiatt presented a WIP of the Trumpeter 1/200 scale USS Arizona. What a beautiful kit and Bob discussed how much liked using an airbrush on this model. Bob also brought his completed HMS Bounty which is absolutely extraordinary. He presented how the model was snubbed in a Kansas City contest and there were clear signs of home cooking. He also shared the number of awards that he has won with this model at a number of other contests. He has won several Best of Shows and many other awards. He then discussed the home cooking at Kansas City. He plans on taking the Bounty to Nationals in Omaha, Nebraska where he can face off again with the participants of the Kansas City contest. Did I mentioned that it torqued Bob off about the Kansas City judges? He has decided that he isn’t going to complain about the judging but plans on returning next year with a better model! By the way, Bob did not care much for the judging at the Kansas City show.
Rick Knapp presented a JSU 153 and work on some ICM crew figures.
The Secretary presents many apologies to the armor guys for any misspelling of the armor models presented. What can you expect from a large scale fantasy figure guy! I’d like to see you spell the Japanese names for the anime models I build!
Business Meeting There was no business meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM
Present: Will Bronov, Tom Brown, Joshua Brunsfield, Cliff Bullock, Richard Buzbee (got your name spelled correctly this time, I hope!), Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Jack Coleman, Kenneth Fausett, Mona Hiatt, Bob Hiatt, Rick Knapp, Noel Lawson, Dakota Leker, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Conrad Schalchin, Ray Smith, David Stilwell, Josh Swift, Steve Wilson
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Shows
5/14 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Region 6 Cajun Modelfest XXVI; 5/21 Mesquite, Texas, Region 6 ScaleFest 2011; 5/28 Memphis, Tennessee, Region 3 2011 KING-CON; 6/3-6/4 The Tulsa Figure Show; 6/4 – 6/5 Overland Park, Kansas, Heartland Model Car Nationals; and 6/18 Soonercon, Oklahoma City, OK.
Gary Johnson
Joe Perceval shared with Ken Childres that Gary Johnson’s health is declining due to his brain cancer. Ken asks that Gary and his family be kept in our thoughts and prayers as they go through this part of Gary’s life.
Pulaski Tech Contest
Ken Leslie contacted Ken Childres and asked that his thanks be conveyed for the help, attendance, and model entries from members and regular attendees of CASM. Ken Leslie reported that there was a larger turnout of modelers when compared to previous years but there were less models entered into the contest.
Pulaski Tech Model Class
Ken Childres encouraged club members and regular attendees to attend the Pulaski Tech Model Class. It is a good opportunity to learn basic and advanced techniques over an extended period of time. The current class is being taught by Daris Long who is demonstrating different techniques for building armor models. Daris brings a quick wit that makes the class enjoyable while at the same time he shares techniques that he uses to make his beautiful models. Now that he is on the latter part of his life, he often cuts to the chaste and emphasizes quick and easy methods to obtain advanced results.
New Kits at Hobbytown USA
Ron Leker reported that the new 1/32 scale P-51D is coming soon to Hobbytown USA. He also encouraged club members to take advantage of their ability to order many desired model pieces. There are some new programs that they are participating in that allows them to obtain many new releases. He would like as many club members to let him know what models he can order for them.
Ken Childres encouraged club members and regular attendees to obtain sponsors for the upcoming CASM show. Members of the Contest Committee have been searching for less expensive venders to purchase the trophies for the show. However, there is currently not enough money available to purchase all of the medals and trophies scheduled for the show. The club may only purchase the number of trophies the treasury will allow and at this point most all of the special awards will need to be cancelled due to insufficient funds. The only way for the special awards to be funded is through individual donations and sponsorships. Time is running out because the trophies will need to be purchased within the next month to be here in time for the contest.
Dave Stillwell demonstrated multiple ways to fill seams. Seam-filling, while a basic technique, is often the downfall of many models at contests. Club members asked many excellent questions and added to Dave’s demonstration. Thanks Dave for an awesome demonstration! The demonstration may be viewed for future reference on the club website.
Gift Card Drawing Winners
Many thanks are given to Hobbytown USA for donating the gift cards for the drawing. Dakota Leker was this month’s name selector for the drawing with the following results: $5.00: Ron Leker; $10.00: Dakota Leker; $15.00 Ken Faucett. Hmmmm there seems to be a trend presenting itself here!
Cliff Bullock presented his M3A Stuart; Academy Stug IV; AFE Pakwagon; JS 152; and a tree he made out of copper wire. Please excuse any improper spelling by your old, hard of hearing Secretary, it all sounds Greek to me!
Daris Long presented his WIP M47 (what another M-47!) and T-34. Both models are being built as part of his Pulaski Tech class.
Ray Smith presented three B-24D paper models that were really, really small but extremely well done.
Ken Childres presented the Hobby Boss M3-A1 Scout Car, LB-30, and P-51.
Joshua Brunsfield presented a ’48 Woody; Rebel 200 Subaru Impreza; and a WIP Tamya RX7. It was good to have Joshua back to the club after a period of being unable to attend.
Ron Leker presented two Ferrari kits and some aftermarket stuff that have been received in Hobbytown USA.
Dakota Leker presented Da Vinci’s Armored Car that he built during the meeting. It comes complete with a wind-up motor that propels the car when wound.
Ken Faucett presented Tamiya Volkswagon Beetle convertible that is a work in progress. He presented his excellent work in using putty for modifications.
Bob Hiatt presented a WIP of the Trumpeter 1/200 scale USS Arizona. What a beautiful kit and Bob discussed how much liked using an airbrush on this model. Bob also brought his completed HMS Bounty which is absolutely extraordinary. He presented how the model was snubbed in a Kansas City contest and there were clear signs of home cooking. He also shared the number of awards that he has won with this model at a number of other contests. He has won several Best of Shows and many other awards. He then discussed the home cooking at Kansas City. He plans on taking the Bounty to Nationals in Omaha, Nebraska where he can face off again with the participants of the Kansas City contest. Did I mentioned that it torqued Bob off about the Kansas City judges? He has decided that he isn’t going to complain about the judging but plans on returning next year with a better model! By the way, Bob did not care much for the judging at the Kansas City show.
Rick Knapp presented a JSU 153 and work on some ICM crew figures.
The Secretary presents many apologies to the armor guys for any misspelling of the armor models presented. What can you expect from a large scale fantasy figure guy! I’d like to see you spell the Japanese names for the anime models I build!
Business Meeting There was no business meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM
May 2011 Show & Tell
May 2011 Demo - Filling Seams by David Stillwell - (link to video coming soon)
May - CASM Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Date: 5/7/11
Members present: Ken Childres, David Stilwell, Joshua Swift, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres
Absent: David Wassell
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Interest Survey.
An Interest Survey was developed to receive input from club members and regular attendees regarding the direction of the club, club meeting structure, contests, and any other information that people desire to communicate. A survey draft was amended and approved with distribution scheduled for the May, 2011 meeting. Secretary’s Note: due to the number of members who were not planning on attending the May meeting due to contest participation and family issues, the survey distribution was postponed until the June, 2011 meeting.
May Meeting Demonstration.
Dave Stillwell is going to present a demonstration on filling seams.
Meeting Conduct.
Discussion was held about member and regular attendee meeting conduct and different methods that could be employed to foster respectful interactions during Show-N-Tell and Demonstrations.
Community Relations.
Dave Wassell met with Daryl at Rail and Sprue to discuss with him how to improve the relationship between him and the club shortly after the last E-Board meeting in April, 2011. In an email sent to E-Board members, Dave reported that the meeting went well and the two of them discussed a number of subjects including how CASM could promote his store during the October contest that will be held in close proximity. All club officers approached Daryl during the Pulaski Tech Contest and chatted with him regarding modeling and models.
Member Benefits.
A lengthy discussion ensued regard the benefits of membership to CASM. The question was posed that in light of the current affiliations that a large number of members and regular attendees have on the internet and in the community, what benefit is there to be being a member of CASM. Hobbytown USA currently provides a 10% discount for club members and the By-Laws outline that only members may vote on the expenditure of money and the election of club officers. In the past (pre-internet), the only way modelers could have face-to-face contact or regular discussions about modeling was over the telephone, through club meetings, and at contests. That presently is not the case. Modelers can converse with other modelers and see skill demonstrations in a variety of ways. Our desire is to examine ways in which CASM can add to the modeling community and meet the needs of modelers that cannot be met through the present internet methods. The discussion was tabled to further meetings and after information is received from the interest survey.
Community Outreach.
We have a desire to continue our community outreach. One idea discussed was to reach out to the local colleges by establishing Facebook connections with the hope of making contact with modelers who are in their 20’s. Facebook was discussed as an avenue for making contact due it being the primary method for social networking used by people in this age group. Further discussion was tabled to later meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 A.M.
Members present: Ken Childres, David Stilwell, Joshua Swift, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres
Absent: David Wassell
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Interest Survey.
An Interest Survey was developed to receive input from club members and regular attendees regarding the direction of the club, club meeting structure, contests, and any other information that people desire to communicate. A survey draft was amended and approved with distribution scheduled for the May, 2011 meeting. Secretary’s Note: due to the number of members who were not planning on attending the May meeting due to contest participation and family issues, the survey distribution was postponed until the June, 2011 meeting.
May Meeting Demonstration.
Dave Stillwell is going to present a demonstration on filling seams.
Meeting Conduct.
Discussion was held about member and regular attendee meeting conduct and different methods that could be employed to foster respectful interactions during Show-N-Tell and Demonstrations.
Community Relations.
Dave Wassell met with Daryl at Rail and Sprue to discuss with him how to improve the relationship between him and the club shortly after the last E-Board meeting in April, 2011. In an email sent to E-Board members, Dave reported that the meeting went well and the two of them discussed a number of subjects including how CASM could promote his store during the October contest that will be held in close proximity. All club officers approached Daryl during the Pulaski Tech Contest and chatted with him regarding modeling and models.
Member Benefits.
A lengthy discussion ensued regard the benefits of membership to CASM. The question was posed that in light of the current affiliations that a large number of members and regular attendees have on the internet and in the community, what benefit is there to be being a member of CASM. Hobbytown USA currently provides a 10% discount for club members and the By-Laws outline that only members may vote on the expenditure of money and the election of club officers. In the past (pre-internet), the only way modelers could have face-to-face contact or regular discussions about modeling was over the telephone, through club meetings, and at contests. That presently is not the case. Modelers can converse with other modelers and see skill demonstrations in a variety of ways. Our desire is to examine ways in which CASM can add to the modeling community and meet the needs of modelers that cannot be met through the present internet methods. The discussion was tabled to further meetings and after information is received from the interest survey.
Community Outreach.
We have a desire to continue our community outreach. One idea discussed was to reach out to the local colleges by establishing Facebook connections with the hope of making contact with modelers who are in their 20’s. Facebook was discussed as an avenue for making contact due it being the primary method for social networking used by people in this age group. Further discussion was tabled to later meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 A.M.