CASM Meeting Minutes - 11/13/10
Members present: Tom Brown, Brianna Childres, Ken Childress, Ken Fausett, Jeff Griffin, Lloyd King, Rick Knap, Ron Leker, Jimmy Lockett, Daris Long, Mark Nauman, Ray Smith, David Stilwell, Ed Swaim, Josh Swift, David Wassell
Visitors present: Matt Dillow
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Ron Leker reported and showed a number of new releases from Italiari that are available at Hobbytown USA. The releases are available to club members first and then will be placed on the shelves. They will remain on the shelves for 30 days and the kits not purchased may be returned to Italiari. Magazines with covers torn off are available for club members and cost $2.00 each. The money is used by Roger to purchase the donuts that are available at the meeting. The plastic model inventory has been reduced at Hobbytown. A large number of Dragon kits that were not selling have been bought back by Dragon and Ron is ordering model kits that are basic and retail for less than $50.00. He will not be ordering the more expensive Hasegawa kits due to the cost and the few number of kits that sell. Ron can order any kit that a person desires.
Ken relayed information about Gary Johnson. He recently underwent surgery for the removal of a brain tumor. The surgery was unsuccessful and the doctors have told Gary that he has less than six (6) months to live. Gary’s daughter is in Benton gathering his belongings to move him to Mississippi to live with her. She contacted Ken about Gary’s model collection and Ken Childres will be coordinating with her about its liquidation.
By-Law suggestions: The E-Board has been reviewing the club by-laws. Members who have suggestions for by-law revisions or changes should email those changes to Tom Brown at [email protected] by 11/26/10. The E-Board will review all of the revisions and changes recommendations at the next E-Board meeting on 11/27/10 and put a recommended draft on the club forum for member review during December, 2010. Membership vote for adoption will be conducted during the January, 2011 meeting.
Club Contact announcement: Josh Swift receives newsletters from clubs located all over the country and currently Josh forwards the newsletters to them. If you are not presently receiving a newsletter and would like to receive them, please contact Josh so that he can put you on the mailing list.
Roger discussed the model consignment program being used in Hobbytown USA. Consignment models will be marked with a yellow/mustard tag. The 10% club discount is not applied to these kits and there is no guarantee that the kit is complete. He does not check the kits prior to shrink wrapping. He does maintain an inventory code system for each model.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is on 12/11/10. The M47 group build, in honor of Pete Harwell, will be presented and a swap meet will be held. Bring all of those models that you would like to exchange/ get rid of. Refreshments will be brought and our hope is that everyone will have a good time. No business will be discussed and there will be no modeling technique demonstration presented. At some point during the meeting, Daris Long would like the Contest Committee to get together with Brianna Childress to discuss ideas and a timeline for having different elements of the contest completed.
Ken Fausett unveiled a Monogram Corvette Stringray and detailed the additions he plans on making to turn it into a superb model.
Ken Childres presented the L4509 Malteer by Zveda he is working on and a WIP of the Italiari M-47 he is working on for the group build that is due at the December meeting.
Ron Leker presented a 1/16th scale Delta Force soldier made by Dragon and discussed his plans to add armor and LEDs to change it into a futuristic soldier.
Ed Swaim presented his Tamiya MK III/IV tank and discussed his choice of colors and masking techniques he used. He provided a great tip of using colored pencils to sketch the camo pattern on the kit plans to aid in masking the camo.
Daris Long presented a diorama he has been making during the PTC classes and discussed the new methods of construction he has been using, most of which he really likes.
Rick Knapp presented his Academy M4A3E (yes an American tank!) WIP and was especially pleased by the Korean war era decals that came with the kit.
Matt Dillow presented two structures of a flour mill he is building and described some work, with pictures, of a 7,000 sq. ft. train layout in Galveston, Texas.
Cliff Bullock presented an Eduard 1/48th scale I-16 Type 24 and discussed a variety of techniques he used and had to overcome to produce his excellent model.
Lloyd King presented a Kinetic Mirage 2000B (not an F-16) that he was given and asked to write a review for a British magazine.
Jeff Griffin showed everyone his sunglasses. There were mighty fine!
Gift Card Drawing Winners
Rick Knapp won the $15.00 card; Ron Leker won the $10.00 card, and Ray Smith won the $5.00 card, which was a relief because his son was doing the drawing and we were not sure if he was going to get a ride home today!
DemonstrationKen Childres demonstrated the “hairspray” technique for weathering. It was a very detailed and beneficial demonstration. Members who attended had the opportunity to put their hands on the technique to practice with his preparations. Well done Ken!
Business Meeting
Contest Committee: Members were asked to volunteer for a Contest Committee. The committee would be responsible of making plans for the next contest. Ron Leker, Lloyd King, Daris Long, Cliff Bullock, Ken Fausett, and Rick Knapp volunteered to work with Brianna Childress, Contest Coordinator, in planning and running the next contest. The Committee has been charged with deciding whether the club will sponsor a contest, judging system, judges training, location, date, advertisement, vender solicitation, awards, and all of the logistics of the show. They plan on developing a work flowchart and timeline from the present and up to and including the show. The Committee has asked for suggestions from the general membership on ideas for the next show. Please submit all ideas to Josh Swift by 12/5/10 so that he can forward them to the committee members.
By-Laws: The current Club By-laws may be found under the “Announcements” heading on the club forum. Please send any suggestions of revisions or additions to Tom Brown at [email protected] by 11/26/10.
Fallen and Honorary Club Member Plaque: The club approved approximately two (2)-to-three(3) years ago the purchase of a plaque where the names of fallen or honorary members may be placed. Daris volunteered to make the plaque so that brass plates with the names of the people may be attached.
Demonstrations: We need volunteers, dates, and ideas from the general club membership for model technique demonstrations that can be held at every club meeting. Please send suggestions to Josh Swift, Club Contact, so that we can put together a schedule of appealing demonstrations during the rest of the year. The eventual plan is to video record and post the demonstrations on the club website for club members to view as needed. Daris Long is scheduled to demonstrate a method for making trees for dioramas in January, 2011 and Lloyd will demonstrate how to use Pro Modeler Washes at the February, 2011 Meeting. One suggestion offered at the meeting was on how to use an airbrush. Please send us more suggestions and please volunteer for any demonstrations that you would like do!
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM
Visitors present: Matt Dillow
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Ron Leker reported and showed a number of new releases from Italiari that are available at Hobbytown USA. The releases are available to club members first and then will be placed on the shelves. They will remain on the shelves for 30 days and the kits not purchased may be returned to Italiari. Magazines with covers torn off are available for club members and cost $2.00 each. The money is used by Roger to purchase the donuts that are available at the meeting. The plastic model inventory has been reduced at Hobbytown. A large number of Dragon kits that were not selling have been bought back by Dragon and Ron is ordering model kits that are basic and retail for less than $50.00. He will not be ordering the more expensive Hasegawa kits due to the cost and the few number of kits that sell. Ron can order any kit that a person desires.
Ken relayed information about Gary Johnson. He recently underwent surgery for the removal of a brain tumor. The surgery was unsuccessful and the doctors have told Gary that he has less than six (6) months to live. Gary’s daughter is in Benton gathering his belongings to move him to Mississippi to live with her. She contacted Ken about Gary’s model collection and Ken Childres will be coordinating with her about its liquidation.
By-Law suggestions: The E-Board has been reviewing the club by-laws. Members who have suggestions for by-law revisions or changes should email those changes to Tom Brown at [email protected] by 11/26/10. The E-Board will review all of the revisions and changes recommendations at the next E-Board meeting on 11/27/10 and put a recommended draft on the club forum for member review during December, 2010. Membership vote for adoption will be conducted during the January, 2011 meeting.
Club Contact announcement: Josh Swift receives newsletters from clubs located all over the country and currently Josh forwards the newsletters to them. If you are not presently receiving a newsletter and would like to receive them, please contact Josh so that he can put you on the mailing list.
Roger discussed the model consignment program being used in Hobbytown USA. Consignment models will be marked with a yellow/mustard tag. The 10% club discount is not applied to these kits and there is no guarantee that the kit is complete. He does not check the kits prior to shrink wrapping. He does maintain an inventory code system for each model.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is on 12/11/10. The M47 group build, in honor of Pete Harwell, will be presented and a swap meet will be held. Bring all of those models that you would like to exchange/ get rid of. Refreshments will be brought and our hope is that everyone will have a good time. No business will be discussed and there will be no modeling technique demonstration presented. At some point during the meeting, Daris Long would like the Contest Committee to get together with Brianna Childress to discuss ideas and a timeline for having different elements of the contest completed.
Ken Fausett unveiled a Monogram Corvette Stringray and detailed the additions he plans on making to turn it into a superb model.
Ken Childres presented the L4509 Malteer by Zveda he is working on and a WIP of the Italiari M-47 he is working on for the group build that is due at the December meeting.
Ron Leker presented a 1/16th scale Delta Force soldier made by Dragon and discussed his plans to add armor and LEDs to change it into a futuristic soldier.
Ed Swaim presented his Tamiya MK III/IV tank and discussed his choice of colors and masking techniques he used. He provided a great tip of using colored pencils to sketch the camo pattern on the kit plans to aid in masking the camo.
Daris Long presented a diorama he has been making during the PTC classes and discussed the new methods of construction he has been using, most of which he really likes.
Rick Knapp presented his Academy M4A3E (yes an American tank!) WIP and was especially pleased by the Korean war era decals that came with the kit.
Matt Dillow presented two structures of a flour mill he is building and described some work, with pictures, of a 7,000 sq. ft. train layout in Galveston, Texas.
Cliff Bullock presented an Eduard 1/48th scale I-16 Type 24 and discussed a variety of techniques he used and had to overcome to produce his excellent model.
Lloyd King presented a Kinetic Mirage 2000B (not an F-16) that he was given and asked to write a review for a British magazine.
Jeff Griffin showed everyone his sunglasses. There were mighty fine!
Gift Card Drawing Winners
Rick Knapp won the $15.00 card; Ron Leker won the $10.00 card, and Ray Smith won the $5.00 card, which was a relief because his son was doing the drawing and we were not sure if he was going to get a ride home today!
DemonstrationKen Childres demonstrated the “hairspray” technique for weathering. It was a very detailed and beneficial demonstration. Members who attended had the opportunity to put their hands on the technique to practice with his preparations. Well done Ken!
Business Meeting
Contest Committee: Members were asked to volunteer for a Contest Committee. The committee would be responsible of making plans for the next contest. Ron Leker, Lloyd King, Daris Long, Cliff Bullock, Ken Fausett, and Rick Knapp volunteered to work with Brianna Childress, Contest Coordinator, in planning and running the next contest. The Committee has been charged with deciding whether the club will sponsor a contest, judging system, judges training, location, date, advertisement, vender solicitation, awards, and all of the logistics of the show. They plan on developing a work flowchart and timeline from the present and up to and including the show. The Committee has asked for suggestions from the general membership on ideas for the next show. Please submit all ideas to Josh Swift by 12/5/10 so that he can forward them to the committee members.
By-Laws: The current Club By-laws may be found under the “Announcements” heading on the club forum. Please send any suggestions of revisions or additions to Tom Brown at [email protected] by 11/26/10.
Fallen and Honorary Club Member Plaque: The club approved approximately two (2)-to-three(3) years ago the purchase of a plaque where the names of fallen or honorary members may be placed. Daris volunteered to make the plaque so that brass plates with the names of the people may be attached.
Demonstrations: We need volunteers, dates, and ideas from the general club membership for model technique demonstrations that can be held at every club meeting. Please send suggestions to Josh Swift, Club Contact, so that we can put together a schedule of appealing demonstrations during the rest of the year. The eventual plan is to video record and post the demonstrations on the club website for club members to view as needed. Daris Long is scheduled to demonstrate a method for making trees for dioramas in January, 2011 and Lloyd will demonstrate how to use Pro Modeler Washes at the February, 2011 Meeting. One suggestion offered at the meeting was on how to use an airbrush. Please send us more suggestions and please volunteer for any demonstrations that you would like do!
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM