CASM Meeting Minutes
Date: 10/12/13
Present: Matt Bond, Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres, Kenneth Childres, Glen Davee, Traci Derrick, Brian Elliott, Roy Elliott, Alfredo Insignares, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Sam Macheak, Jay Miller, Conrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, David Stilwell, Joshua Swift, Mike Warren, David Wassell
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Rick Knapp at 10:15 A.M.
Announcements that do not require discussion were emailed out to members and printed copies were passed around at the meeting. If you have not received these announcements, contact Ray Smith or Ken Childres.
Demo: Brent Bristow gave a demo on preparing and painting car bodies, including making holders for the bodies, and airbrushing gloss paints.
Moss-Con: Several members, including Cliff Bullock and Kenneth Childres, are planning to attend Moss-Con in Branson, MO on Oct. 19. If you are interested in going or for more details, see Ken.
Sproo-Doo: Ken shared with us that the number of participants and models was on par for the last few years. This was the fourth show in which the open judging system was used, and every year it becomes more consistent and the contest runs more smoothly. IPMS Region Coordinator Sean Glaspell, along with many other out of town participants, was very complementary of how the show was run. Tom Brown discussed the survey that was given at the show. The results were posted on the Scratching Post.
A new, larger venue for next year will be considered, possibly in Jacksonville. Also, since the 3rd weekend of September seems to have fewer conflicts with other shows, the Spoo-Doo may remain on this weekend instead of moving back to October.
Roy Elliot and Traci Derrick, as new members, both stated that they felt the show was a great event, the judging seemed fair, and that the vendors and raffle/silent auction items all helped create a spectacular show.
Daris Long thanked everyone involved in judging, and thought the judging was done very efficiently and is getting more efficient every year.
AMPS: Ken discussed in more detail what it takes for CASM to become an AMPS affiliate chapter, and hold a dual charter with IPMS. Daris Long expressed concerns about judging rules. Ken and Tom explained the AMPS uses the same open judging system currently used by CASM, and that the judges training is similar to our own.
ASU-Beebe: The art department at Arkansas State University-Beebe is interested in displaying works from the modeling community in the art gallery on campus. The showing would be in mid- to late January. The gallery is watched by the department secretary, and the displays will be behind a velvet rope to prevent people from touching them. More details will be discussed later.
Gift Card Drawing:
$5- Brent Bristow
$10- Daris Long
$15-Traci Derrick
Sam Macheak presented some new AMK kits, and passed one around to show the detail on these kits.
Rick Knapp presented a Panzerkampfwagen 35(t) WIP.
Mike Warren presented some tools and putty was experimenting with to create 1/72 scale zimmerits.
Ray Smith presented an M5-48 and a PMPG-31 that he has converted to civilian fire emergency vehicles.
Ron Leker presented an M-977 Hemtt WIP he is converting to a post-apocalyptic vehicle and adding searchlights from a Patton M4A5K kit.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35.
Date: 10/12/13
Present: Matt Bond, Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres, Kenneth Childres, Glen Davee, Traci Derrick, Brian Elliott, Roy Elliott, Alfredo Insignares, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Sam Macheak, Jay Miller, Conrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, David Stilwell, Joshua Swift, Mike Warren, David Wassell
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Rick Knapp at 10:15 A.M.
Announcements that do not require discussion were emailed out to members and printed copies were passed around at the meeting. If you have not received these announcements, contact Ray Smith or Ken Childres.
Demo: Brent Bristow gave a demo on preparing and painting car bodies, including making holders for the bodies, and airbrushing gloss paints.
Moss-Con: Several members, including Cliff Bullock and Kenneth Childres, are planning to attend Moss-Con in Branson, MO on Oct. 19. If you are interested in going or for more details, see Ken.
Sproo-Doo: Ken shared with us that the number of participants and models was on par for the last few years. This was the fourth show in which the open judging system was used, and every year it becomes more consistent and the contest runs more smoothly. IPMS Region Coordinator Sean Glaspell, along with many other out of town participants, was very complementary of how the show was run. Tom Brown discussed the survey that was given at the show. The results were posted on the Scratching Post.
A new, larger venue for next year will be considered, possibly in Jacksonville. Also, since the 3rd weekend of September seems to have fewer conflicts with other shows, the Spoo-Doo may remain on this weekend instead of moving back to October.
Roy Elliot and Traci Derrick, as new members, both stated that they felt the show was a great event, the judging seemed fair, and that the vendors and raffle/silent auction items all helped create a spectacular show.
Daris Long thanked everyone involved in judging, and thought the judging was done very efficiently and is getting more efficient every year.
AMPS: Ken discussed in more detail what it takes for CASM to become an AMPS affiliate chapter, and hold a dual charter with IPMS. Daris Long expressed concerns about judging rules. Ken and Tom explained the AMPS uses the same open judging system currently used by CASM, and that the judges training is similar to our own.
ASU-Beebe: The art department at Arkansas State University-Beebe is interested in displaying works from the modeling community in the art gallery on campus. The showing would be in mid- to late January. The gallery is watched by the department secretary, and the displays will be behind a velvet rope to prevent people from touching them. More details will be discussed later.
Gift Card Drawing:
$5- Brent Bristow
$10- Daris Long
$15-Traci Derrick
Sam Macheak presented some new AMK kits, and passed one around to show the detail on these kits.
Rick Knapp presented a Panzerkampfwagen 35(t) WIP.
Mike Warren presented some tools and putty was experimenting with to create 1/72 scale zimmerits.
Ray Smith presented an M5-48 and a PMPG-31 that he has converted to civilian fire emergency vehicles.
Ron Leker presented an M-977 Hemtt WIP he is converting to a post-apocalyptic vehicle and adding searchlights from a Patton M4A5K kit.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35.