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April 25, 2011

Despite the destructive weather system that rolled through Arkansas Monday’s PTC session safely went on. Daris brought what must be every 1:35 Sherman Tank kit ever produced; he displayed a wall of kits!!! The man definitely knows his Sherman’s as was evident from the history and technical data he covered on the Sherman. Daris also had a few remarkable built up kits on display. The next four sessions at the PTC Daris will be covering armor build techniques, painting/weathering, dioramas and bases. Ken kicked off the show and tell with a preliminary show report. We had four newcomers that brought their kits and figurers to discuss, the room was packed with model geeks!!!
PTC Class Update - April 2011

The PTC sessions continues drawing in newbie’s, inspiring the old
crusties to break the mold and try their hand at something new. Modelers
are treated to some of the best modeling teachings from some of the best
in the hobby. Tom just finished up another outstanding and long
awaited round on “figures”…this time he broke out the color wheel and
schooled us all on its proper use. Tom covered the uses of Acrylics
pigments, retardants, glazes, mood, time periods, and much more…the Doc
did a show and tell with some of his work and floored us all on how he
obtained the stunning results.
Ken Leslie has the next couple sessions, kicking his first off with an Anodizing/Plating parts demo. We chrome plated some pennies…now how cool is that!!! Speaking of chrome, Ken dropped by the house with a product for me to test out, and get smart on for future sessions. All I can say it this is some amazing stuff with a price tag to match, but it’s cool as all get out, check out the donor wing and the “Chrome Vett” in the pics!!! Ken has photo etching and resin casting planned for the coming sessions.
Mr. Long has put the sessions to use…the Marine is still on “mission” so far this year he’s completed the 70’ Chevelle, a couple dioramas with figures, various pieces of armor, and taught a few (armor, dioramas, and bases) sessions to boot. His latest was still drying as he did show and tell, another one of his superb weekend builds that take most of us a month just to paint the road wheels!!!
Have some time, looking to try something new, improve your modeling skillz, “meet some geeks,” then join the fun at the PTC off of I-30…2nd and last Monday @ 18:00 or 6:00pm for you 12hr types. Its fun, it’s free, and guaranteed to wow ya!!!
Ken Leslie has the next couple sessions, kicking his first off with an Anodizing/Plating parts demo. We chrome plated some pennies…now how cool is that!!! Speaking of chrome, Ken dropped by the house with a product for me to test out, and get smart on for future sessions. All I can say it this is some amazing stuff with a price tag to match, but it’s cool as all get out, check out the donor wing and the “Chrome Vett” in the pics!!! Ken has photo etching and resin casting planned for the coming sessions.
Mr. Long has put the sessions to use…the Marine is still on “mission” so far this year he’s completed the 70’ Chevelle, a couple dioramas with figures, various pieces of armor, and taught a few (armor, dioramas, and bases) sessions to boot. His latest was still drying as he did show and tell, another one of his superb weekend builds that take most of us a month just to paint the road wheels!!!
Have some time, looking to try something new, improve your modeling skillz, “meet some geeks,” then join the fun at the PTC off of I-30…2nd and last Monday @ 18:00 or 6:00pm for you 12hr types. Its fun, it’s free, and guaranteed to wow ya!!!
Nov. 8 PTC Class

Another great class with Daris teaching how to do the landscaping for Dioramas.
Oct. 11 PTC Class

Monday evening at the PTC kicked off with Darius giving us a run down, and then we move on to the “show and tell.” Dave Branson had some cool car bodies he scored on …they were all rare finds during his weekend trip to the Tulsa Club, while there he attended an event by “Hot Wheels.” Jon had his B-58 ready for paint but I forgot my air hose for the airbrush…sham on Mac!!! Lloyd had two kits for us to view and review, both in 48th and loaded with aftermarket goodies. His L-39 Albatros [] has all of the resin aftermarket stuff you can possibly stuff in the kit. He also had the new and now all sold out in the U.S. Limited release of Kopros’s/Eduard Su-25 []
Mike Mcellaney brought in a hard to fine Monogram 1/48 King Fisher for us to review out of the box. Mike didn’t know it at first but when he first opened the box he found that the kit was the high grade kit with the photo etch added…good on Mike. Mike has been here in the great state of Arkansas and he’s been broken in…eating fine cuisine like BBQ, Catfish, Frog Legs, Crawfish, and sampling the brew, he I think he likes the Sam Adams line of fine Lagers…he’s also hooked on the Mountain Dew!!! Okay I digress, back to modeling. I gave a quick lesson on re-scribing panel lines using the Hasegawa 1:32nd F-5E kit. We wrapped up the show and tell with a couple more modelers and moved in to the hands on demo. Daryl from “Rail n Spru” dropped in and gave a 15 minute how to on a scenery build to add to your diorama or train lay-out. Daryl produced a piece just less than 15 minutes all while also going over step by step techniques and product used…it was simple, informative and the results were stunning!!!
Darius the “Dio Master” dove into the next venture the PTC’rs will be learning. Darius explained the inner workings of a dio/ display base, how to plan and research the subject. He gave out “free” dio bases and materials for us to work with. From looking at the gargantuan dio he had on display… the Marine has got mad skillz. Our four to five next PTC sessions will continue with Darius the “Dio Master” and his Diorama building…more fun ahead!!!
Mike Mcellaney brought in a hard to fine Monogram 1/48 King Fisher for us to review out of the box. Mike didn’t know it at first but when he first opened the box he found that the kit was the high grade kit with the photo etch added…good on Mike. Mike has been here in the great state of Arkansas and he’s been broken in…eating fine cuisine like BBQ, Catfish, Frog Legs, Crawfish, and sampling the brew, he I think he likes the Sam Adams line of fine Lagers…he’s also hooked on the Mountain Dew!!! Okay I digress, back to modeling. I gave a quick lesson on re-scribing panel lines using the Hasegawa 1:32nd F-5E kit. We wrapped up the show and tell with a couple more modelers and moved in to the hands on demo. Daryl from “Rail n Spru” dropped in and gave a 15 minute how to on a scenery build to add to your diorama or train lay-out. Daryl produced a piece just less than 15 minutes all while also going over step by step techniques and product used…it was simple, informative and the results were stunning!!!
Darius the “Dio Master” dove into the next venture the PTC’rs will be learning. Darius explained the inner workings of a dio/ display base, how to plan and research the subject. He gave out “free” dio bases and materials for us to work with. From looking at the gargantuan dio he had on display… the Marine has got mad skillz. Our four to five next PTC sessions will continue with Darius the “Dio Master” and his Diorama building…more fun ahead!!!
PTC Field Trip

The “PTC” modeling class goes on a field trip!!! Ken Leslie has got the connects and scored some major cool points… Modelers met at 14:00, I got there at 14:00 Mac time, and was immediately floored. The cars on display were just awesome…”the dogs dangly bits” if you know what I mean. We all had a blast and took a trip back in time…you just had to be there to see it!!! Thanks Ken and Dave and a special thanks to Tom and Don Salmon for the tour of the Car Barn.
A few pics of the cars...
A few pics of the cars...
Sept. 27 Pulaski Tech Class

The fun and learning continues at the Monday PTC sessions... With a packed class room we kicked off session with the topic to be covered and rolled into the show and tell. Dave Branson had a die cast body that he revealed in the last session, to see the work he's done so far will blow you away. Dave sanded paint away from the areas to represent chrome the trim, polished them up...freaking awesome. Dave also showed us his work on the 70' Chevy Chevelle. Jon Williams brought the Lindbergh B-58 back for the application of the ALCLAD Black Base coat; Jon has done a great job on this "Dawg" of a kit...very impressive work. Jon also had his Chevelle in primer coat sporting some cool wheels which had the car sitting low and looking mean, and that’s just in primer coat. Lloyd had his car body primed, painted and ready for clear coat. Lloyd keeping true to his roots painted the body using airliner paints...not totally on crossed over to the "dark side," just a versatile modeler!!! Lloyd shared a Trumpeter 1:48 JF-17 kit sent to him for a commission build/build review. The kit is not bad, for a Trumpeter kit and captures the lines of this new Chinese Air Force fighter very well...I can see one of these added to my stash. "Kit Bash “John, had another kit bash to share and this has awesome written all over it...its ready for primer but we took bets if he'd have it done by the April, stay focused John!!! Mike had his Chevelle body sanded and ready for primer, the April show will have some interesting and well built Chevelles tabled. Ken...the man is like a "Mad Scientist," Ken’s 70’ Chevelle was sliced and diced; he gave it a retractable convertible hard top, and shortened the body by ¾” of an inch. He also had a couple o car bodies he’s modified and the work is flawless. After show and tell we moved on to a session of Gold Leaf application, filling with super glue, sanding between coats, scratch removal, and polishing the clear coat. We then moved to the garage for some hands on and it was on!!! Grown men became kids again as the fun continued. Gold Leaf application, “Spru Smoking” technique, various clear coat applications and Jon got the B-58 ALCLAD Black Base coat laid on. We had a blast… Darius will be kicking of the net session with Armor, I can see the “Spru Smoking” being employed here too…the Pegasus Kits, Chevelle builds and the ALCLAD II will continue during the show and tells so bring your work. “Unleash the kid in ya” and join us 12 October for some modeling fun presented by some of the best modelers in the USA!!! Thanks PTC.
Sept. 13 Pulaski Tech Class

Another super evening of great modeling and hands on fun at the Pulaski Technical College was had. The room was filled to capacity with every seat in the house filled!!! We started of with the introduction of two new modelers looking to expand and improve their techniques… they will be sharing their modeling skills form the Rail Road/Structure side of the hobby. We moved to show and tell where Dave Branson show cased a trophy for the “Best Rat Rod” to be awarded at the 23 April 2011 show and contest. Dave gave a rundown on the event and the sponsorship…this year’s event was a huge success but the 2011 event already promises to be even better. He broke out a case of goodies for all, Revells’ ’70 Chevelle SS 454 Easy Kit… for the next PTC group build…Lloyd had parts removed from the spru and cleaned up before most of us had it in hand, the man is a machine!!! Dave showed three in progress kits, one of which he used a new textured type of spray paint to mimic fabric… could “flocking” be a thing of the past? This paint is crazy. Lloyd brought his awesome 1:48 MiG-29 by Academy with Neomegas super detailed resin cockpit…you have to check out the digital cammo Lloyd put on this kit, WOW!!! Darius Long had three M-47 Pattons. The work done on these tanks is just jaw dropping, seeing them progress from the box to their current state... with a ton of scratch building and a few resin bit, this man has skillz. His paint work rocks…his application of the paint, markings, wash and clears capture reality. Darius admitted to an accident, knocking over his MiG dark wash which ended up on the hull of the tank, after a frenzied scramble to save the finish he turned a “boo-boo” into a work of art. I passed out four DVD’s filled with aircraft reference photos, You Tube video clips, aftermarket kit items, and built models to inspire. Ken Leslie shows his glass smooth Corvette, it’s flawless. The model took best of show out of 500+ entries, he’s a freak!!! We all moved to the garage area for the hands on. Ken set things up for the application of the Clear Coat to be applied to some scratch car bodies primed with Tamiya flat black acrylic-lacquer. One of the car bodies was masked, and a hand held template was held while Ken laid on a coat of “Rattle Snake.” This was immediately clear coated (wet) the paint came to life and the “Rattle Snake” popped!!! The crowd was amazed…everyone took turns with the clear coat applications using the Iwata Kustom TH “trigger” and the Passche Talon. For some it was a first time using an air brush and the fear factor was diminished. To sum it all up…Darius learned a word “modulation” he didn’t know he was doing it, and he’s mastered the technique, airbrush fears laid to rest, show winning finishes applied by armatures, free kits, and a ton of fun!!! If I missed anything/left something out, I apologize…
Thanks Dave and Ken!!!
Thanks Dave and Ken!!!