Member Profile - Rusty Nail
Rusty Nail
[email protected]
Home Town
Edgemont, AR
May 15
Where were you born?
Batesville, AR
What is your profession?
Freelance painter and builder
What are your areas of interest?
Best kit you ever built?
Boris the Werewolf
Worst kit?
Möbius Bride of Frankenstein
What model(s) would you like to see released?
Karloff / Pierce kit
How did you get into the hobby?
Been involved in the hobby on a serious basis since 1995. I saw a figure mag in a hobby shop on painting figures. I found a local club there California and the rest is history.
What was your first kit?
Andrea's Wyatt Earp
How many kits are sitting on your shelf?
I really don't know... lol
How many are half built?
I have four in different stages of completion.
What was the last kit you bought?
An old man bust in trans resin
How often do you buy new kits?
About twice a year
How many books are in your modeling library?
10 modeling books
What was the last reference book you purchased?
Clothing in the Middle Ages.
Any other hobbies or interests?
RC trucks!
Favorite model magazine/website?
Amazing figure modeler.
Do you have any modeling tips/hints you'd like to share?
Always try to do something with your hobby. Even if you are not I'm the mood to model. Spend at least 15-20 min cleaning up a kit or rearranging your work area. Anything to keep you active.
Rusty Nail
[email protected]
Home Town
Edgemont, AR
May 15
Where were you born?
Batesville, AR
What is your profession?
Freelance painter and builder
What are your areas of interest?
Best kit you ever built?
Boris the Werewolf
Worst kit?
Möbius Bride of Frankenstein
What model(s) would you like to see released?
Karloff / Pierce kit
How did you get into the hobby?
Been involved in the hobby on a serious basis since 1995. I saw a figure mag in a hobby shop on painting figures. I found a local club there California and the rest is history.
What was your first kit?
Andrea's Wyatt Earp
How many kits are sitting on your shelf?
I really don't know... lol
How many are half built?
I have four in different stages of completion.
What was the last kit you bought?
An old man bust in trans resin
How often do you buy new kits?
About twice a year
How many books are in your modeling library?
10 modeling books
What was the last reference book you purchased?
Clothing in the Middle Ages.
Any other hobbies or interests?
RC trucks!
Favorite model magazine/website?
Amazing figure modeler.
Do you have any modeling tips/hints you'd like to share?
Always try to do something with your hobby. Even if you are not I'm the mood to model. Spend at least 15-20 min cleaning up a kit or rearranging your work area. Anything to keep you active.