CASM Meeting Minutes - September 2012
Date: 9/8/12
Present: Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Ken Faucett, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Annie King, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Rusty Nail, Conrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, David Stilwell, Joshua Swift, Mike Warren, David Wassell, Steve Wilson
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Events
9/15/12 AutumnCon 2012, Region 6 Regional Convention, Covington, LA.; 9/22/12 Prison City Model Contest, Leavenworth, Kansas; 9/29/12 Huntsville Plastic Modelers’ Society 35th Annual Model Show, Huntsville, AL;10/6/12 2012 Austin Scale Model Show, Austin, TX; 10/6/12 12th Annual Sproo-Doo Model Show, Benton AR; 10/13/12 ConAir 2012 Annual Model Show & Contest, Wichita, KS;10/20/12 Moss Con 2012, Branson, MO.
CASM is the IPMS Chapter of the Year
Ken announced that CASM received the IPMS Chapter of the year award at the National convention and displayed the trophy for the club members to see. Congratulations CASM members!
Member of the Year Vote
Lloyd King, Cliff Bullock, and Brianna Childress had been nominated for the Modeler of the Year at the previous meeting. Voting was taken from club members present at the meeting and absentee votes will be received until 9/14/12. The award will be presented during the 12th Annual Sproo-Doo Model Show on 10/6/12.
CASM Wearing Apparel
The place agreed upon by the club at the last meeting ended up not working out. Color selection of shirts and type of fabric was restricted and proved to be too expensive. Enterprise in Maumelle has agreed to do the printing for $25.00 per shirt with a minimum order of 36 shirts needed for a print run. The shirts will be on sale starting next week and may be purchased via PeyPal on the CASM website.
Contest Committee ReportSponsorships: Brianna applauded the work of Cliff Bullock for actively working on obtaining both sponsorships and donations. The goal is to have the contest completely paid for by the money obtained by sponsorships. Each sponsor group will have their name and advertisement on the club website. Medals and Plaques: Medals and plaques are in. Judges Training: Daris reviewed the judging criteria, which is available on-line and the organization of the judges and judges training was conducted after the meeting. Pre-Registration is open through the CASM website. All club members are encouraged to do this to expedite registration the morning of the show. Set-up: Set-up will start at 6:00 PM at the Arkansas Health Center. Tables will be set-up for vendors and the contest. Tom informed the club members that the Arkansas Health Center is a weapons free facility and is patrolled by Safety Officers who watch the speed of all vehicles on the campus. They will give out tickets to vehicles that exceed the speed limit.
Pulaski Technical College Modeling ClassThe next set of classes will be taught by Lavander McGinnis on modeling aircraft.
Hobbytown USA MoveThe move will take place on 9/22/12 after the shop closes, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday and will open on Wednesday. The Grand Opening will be on 10/13/12 with a variety of demonstrations and events at the store. CASM members have been requested to attend and demonstrate how to build models.
Next Group Build
The theme of the next group build is “build something.” So get to it and bring something to the group build meeting.
Ken Childres demonstrated painting rust with acrylic paint. It was an awesome demonstration.
Gift Card Drawing- Sponsored by Hobbytown USA
Brianna Childres - $5.00; Steve Wilson - $10.00; and Brent Bristow $15.00.
Ron Leker presented a WIPAcademy Merkava IV; ASV Russian Airborne; and the Griffon.
Ken Childres presented a Zombie Toyota Truck WIP.
Cliff Bullock presented a Trumpeter Russian Lavochkin La-7 and taught us all a lesson on how to remove painted finger tip marks on aircraft wings.
Bob Hiatt presented continued work on the HMS Surprise, USS Gambier Bay, and the USS Ronald Reagan that he is backdating to an earlier Harry S. Truman.
Mona Hiatt presented a Barcelona Taxi WIP.
Mike Warren presented 1/72 Dragon T-34 and Tiger I.
Rick Knapp presented a Sherlock Holmes and Dr, Watson Vignette; figures for Mauder; and the Tristar 38TB.
Rusty Nail presented Jobba the Hut, WIP Albatros; and La Heir Bust WIP.
Ray Smith presented 1/144 AH1F Cobra.
Richard Buzbee presented the Matilda Mk III IV.
Brent Bristow presented a WIP Star Wars Slave I.
Tom Brown presented a WIP Child Soldier of Poverty Onna
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM
Present: Brent Bristow, Tom Brown, Cliff Bullock, Brianna Childres, Ken Childres, Ken Faucett, Mona Hiatt, Robert Hiatt, Annie King, Lloyd King, Rick Knapp, Ron Leker, Daris Long, Rusty Nail, Conrad Schalchlin, Ray Smith, David Stilwell, Joshua Swift, Mike Warren, David Wassell, Steve Wilson
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Events
9/15/12 AutumnCon 2012, Region 6 Regional Convention, Covington, LA.; 9/22/12 Prison City Model Contest, Leavenworth, Kansas; 9/29/12 Huntsville Plastic Modelers’ Society 35th Annual Model Show, Huntsville, AL;10/6/12 2012 Austin Scale Model Show, Austin, TX; 10/6/12 12th Annual Sproo-Doo Model Show, Benton AR; 10/13/12 ConAir 2012 Annual Model Show & Contest, Wichita, KS;10/20/12 Moss Con 2012, Branson, MO.
CASM is the IPMS Chapter of the Year
Ken announced that CASM received the IPMS Chapter of the year award at the National convention and displayed the trophy for the club members to see. Congratulations CASM members!
Member of the Year Vote
Lloyd King, Cliff Bullock, and Brianna Childress had been nominated for the Modeler of the Year at the previous meeting. Voting was taken from club members present at the meeting and absentee votes will be received until 9/14/12. The award will be presented during the 12th Annual Sproo-Doo Model Show on 10/6/12.
CASM Wearing Apparel
The place agreed upon by the club at the last meeting ended up not working out. Color selection of shirts and type of fabric was restricted and proved to be too expensive. Enterprise in Maumelle has agreed to do the printing for $25.00 per shirt with a minimum order of 36 shirts needed for a print run. The shirts will be on sale starting next week and may be purchased via PeyPal on the CASM website.
Contest Committee ReportSponsorships: Brianna applauded the work of Cliff Bullock for actively working on obtaining both sponsorships and donations. The goal is to have the contest completely paid for by the money obtained by sponsorships. Each sponsor group will have their name and advertisement on the club website. Medals and Plaques: Medals and plaques are in. Judges Training: Daris reviewed the judging criteria, which is available on-line and the organization of the judges and judges training was conducted after the meeting. Pre-Registration is open through the CASM website. All club members are encouraged to do this to expedite registration the morning of the show. Set-up: Set-up will start at 6:00 PM at the Arkansas Health Center. Tables will be set-up for vendors and the contest. Tom informed the club members that the Arkansas Health Center is a weapons free facility and is patrolled by Safety Officers who watch the speed of all vehicles on the campus. They will give out tickets to vehicles that exceed the speed limit.
Pulaski Technical College Modeling ClassThe next set of classes will be taught by Lavander McGinnis on modeling aircraft.
Hobbytown USA MoveThe move will take place on 9/22/12 after the shop closes, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday and will open on Wednesday. The Grand Opening will be on 10/13/12 with a variety of demonstrations and events at the store. CASM members have been requested to attend and demonstrate how to build models.
Next Group Build
The theme of the next group build is “build something.” So get to it and bring something to the group build meeting.
Ken Childres demonstrated painting rust with acrylic paint. It was an awesome demonstration.
Gift Card Drawing- Sponsored by Hobbytown USA
Brianna Childres - $5.00; Steve Wilson - $10.00; and Brent Bristow $15.00.
Ron Leker presented a WIPAcademy Merkava IV; ASV Russian Airborne; and the Griffon.
Ken Childres presented a Zombie Toyota Truck WIP.
Cliff Bullock presented a Trumpeter Russian Lavochkin La-7 and taught us all a lesson on how to remove painted finger tip marks on aircraft wings.
Bob Hiatt presented continued work on the HMS Surprise, USS Gambier Bay, and the USS Ronald Reagan that he is backdating to an earlier Harry S. Truman.
Mona Hiatt presented a Barcelona Taxi WIP.
Mike Warren presented 1/72 Dragon T-34 and Tiger I.
Rick Knapp presented a Sherlock Holmes and Dr, Watson Vignette; figures for Mauder; and the Tristar 38TB.
Rusty Nail presented Jobba the Hut, WIP Albatros; and La Heir Bust WIP.
Ray Smith presented 1/144 AH1F Cobra.
Richard Buzbee presented the Matilda Mk III IV.
Brent Bristow presented a WIP Star Wars Slave I.
Tom Brown presented a WIP Child Soldier of Poverty Onna
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM
CASM E-BOARD Minutes - August 2012
Date: 8/25/12
Members present: Ken Childres, David Stilwell, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres, Brent Bristow, Ray Smith
Absent: Joshua Swift, Rick Knapp, David Wassell
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Passing of Officer Duties
Events of the previous two years were reviewed. Each officer duty was reviewed and how the different officers interface with one another was discussed. The first order of business for the incoming E-Board, reviewing the by-laws, process was reviewed.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 P.M.
Members present: Ken Childres, David Stilwell, Tom Brown, Brianna Childres, Brent Bristow, Ray Smith
Absent: Joshua Swift, Rick Knapp, David Wassell
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Childres at 10:00 A.M.
Passing of Officer Duties
Events of the previous two years were reviewed. Each officer duty was reviewed and how the different officers interface with one another was discussed. The first order of business for the incoming E-Board, reviewing the by-laws, process was reviewed.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 P.M.