Rock-Con 2024
Judging Criteria
The Open Judging System
Category 100 - 1200 Judging Criteria
Gunpla Judging Criteria
Painting Workshops
Club Bylaws
Corporate Sponsor Form
Please complete the form information. To pay via PayPal, click the 'Buy Now' button below. Please use the 'Contact Us' tab if you have any questions or concerns.
Indicates required field
Business Name
If you are not a business, please put 'N/A' in this field.
Contact Name
Please list the Contact Person for your business.
Please include an email where you may be reached.
Phone Number
Please include a phone number where you may be reached.
Copy and Paste a direct link to your website here. If you do not have a website or do not want it listed, please put 'N/A' in the field.
Submit a link to your logo
Link to Logo
Copy and Paste a direct link to your logo here.
OR upload a copy
Tell me which class you are sponsoring. If none is listed, one will be assigned to you. Place any other comments or questions here.
Title Sponsorship
CASModels IPMS - Lt. j.g. Nathan Gordon