Of the 291 models nearly half of them were aircraft, the rest being split between cars, armor and misc. There were only 1 or 2 figures present. I was surprised at the small number of space subjects given Huntsville's ties to NASA and Redstone Arsenal.
I entered three pieces in the contest and was awarded two 1st places and one 3rd. The third place was in armor soft skins where I was solidly beaten by a guy I know from Atlanta and another gentleman. I was quite happy with the outcome and what I took away was that it's time to step up my game!
I enjoyed the Huntsville IPMS show a lot. I thought the judging was thorough and fair in the categories I entered. I cannot speak of the others of course. The venue is located very close to an awesome veterans museum and probably the best Mexican restaurant I have ever eaten at. I would recommend the trip over to anyone so inclined.
-Kenneth Childres