Yesterday was CASM’s monthly meeting. I hate to admit it, but I was in a modeling funk before the meeting. I haven’t worked on a model in over two months due to life’s circumstances taking a toll on my energy. The circumstances were nothing drastic but they had taken my mind off of modeling and eventually I just stopped going out to the modeling hut. One day led to another and I was just out of the habit of going and relaxing with my hobby. I had even stopped lurking on modeling websites to see what others had done. I was just a big fat walrus sitting on the couch and watching meaningless television shows to pass the evening.
At the meeting yesterday, Rusty put on an extended demonstration on different airbrushing techniques he uses when painting large scale figures. It was a practice run for him for a similar demonstration he was asked to present at the Atlanta Figure Show this coming weekend. The demonstration, by the way, will be posted on the Scratching Post for you all to watch. I highly recommend its viewing. Rusty is a highly regarded figure painter who has received national recognition. Different guys in the club brought models they had completed. I recommend looking at the pictures posted on the scratching post of the models brought. The pictures will be delayed because I left my camera at Hobbytown and won’t be able to pick it up until Friday. Bob and Mona were able to attend and Bob brought his WIP of the HMS Surprise that was absolutely gorgeous. It was good seeing Bob and Mona again. Brent brought his WIP of the Green Hornet’s Black Beauty. Ken from PTC had assisted him in spraying auto clearcoat and the finish was glass smooth and perfect. It was gorgeous. Lloyd was able to attend. I haven’t seen him for a while due to health problems and he brought several beautiful models. It was really good to see Lloyd and chat with him. Matt and Cliff brought some 1/72nd scale armor. It has been really fun to watch them grow in their modeling skills. Ron brought his New Jersey Devil and showed considerable advancement in his painting skills. Daris brought in a host of completed helicopters. There were others who I have not included but enjoyed their models equally as much as the ones I listed. You’ll see them all when you see the pictures.
The models were nice and the people were better. Seeing everyone and looking at their models energized my modeling juices. When I got home I wanted to run out to the hut and dive back into my modeling projects. Attending the meeting was just the inspiration I needed to pull me out of the funk. If any of you are experiencing the “funk,” I recommend you attend a gathering of modelers to recharge your juices. If you live in Central Arkansas come to our next meeting or the next PTC modeling class. If you are from another area of the country or world, I recommend attending the most local gathering of modelers. The gathering together of people who are in like minds regarding a topic can relieve the drain of everyday life. It truly is the frosting on the cake. Thanks for the great meeting yesterday CASM modelers!